Chapter 4

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That afternoon when Naruto returned home he told Shikamaru and Kiba what had happened
"I can't believe you were talking about Hinata Hyuga!" Kiba exclaimed with a frustrated look.
"How do you know her?" Naruto questioned
"Dude she went to grade school with us!"
"She did? No way"
"yes up until high school and then she transferred to some private school for high school. Not gonna lie bro I was totally in love with her back then"
"You were in love with every girl back then" Naruto retorted while rolling his eyes
"You're right ha"
"I don't remember her at all"

Shikamaru plopped on the couch looking bored
"Honestly, Naruto you're pretty lucky to have run into her again at her house"
"I know! I didn't waste anytime getting her number either" he chuckled in response.
"So are you gonna text her" Kiba asked curiously.
"Of course I'm gonna text her dummy"

Shikamaru sighed heavily, "Not to be the negative one but what about sasuke?"
"What about him?" Naruto muttered under his breath.
"I dunno, but are you sure it was him cause thats a random coincidence."
"It was him, i don't think he saw me not that it matters. I won't deny that seeing him there made me nervous but i think overall my interview went well."
" Well I guess we'll find out soon enough" Shikamaru mumbled.

Hinata texted her groupchat shortly after Naruto left to tell her closest friends what had happened.

Hinata: I was so surprised to see him but guys I looked like trash
Temari: shut up! You'd look like a princess in a garbage bag so I doubt it
Ten-Ten: honestly girl don't be that way. Besides if that was the case he wouldn't have asked for your number again.
Hinata: youre right of course. Either way i'm just happy he asked!
Karui: yesss cause I honestly was so annoyed that kenny interrupted your date.
Hinata: it wasnt a date but yeah same.
Ten-Ten: Are you sure he's not a crazy stalker because the chances of him applying to be your security guard is wild.
Hinata: I'm positive , after he left i sneaked into my dads paperwork and saw that he applied like months ago.
Temari: honestly I swear that name sounds familiar af, do we know him?
Hinata:I'm not sure, but if he actually texts me i'll pry for more info.
Ten-ten:so do you think he'll get the position.
Hinata: I'm not sure, I think my dad liked him. But the other candidate, Sasuke Uchiha seems more likely
Ten-Ten: wait sasuke uchiha I know him he deff was in highschool with me!
Temari: yes I was about to say the same thing! And that reminds me where we know Naruto from!
Karui: he was in our high school too and him and sasuke had drama all around them
Ten-Ten: right! It was over that girl Sakura Haruno
Temari: that pink haired hoe
Karui: *crying laughing emoji*
Hinata: why does she have to be a hoe for
Temari: I dunno I just hated how she was always in some shit.
Ten-Ten: She's not a hoe Temari. But I think she's a user and that's why there was all this drama
Temari: Good times *eye roll emoji*
Hinata: high school sounds like it was wild for you guys
Temari: you literally didnt miss anything be glad you went to a private high school.
Hinata: :) well since you guys know Naruto tell me about him?
Ten-Ten: he actually went to the same grade school as all of us I can't believe you don't remember.
Karui: he was kind of a loser idiot up until high school,so I'm not surprised you don't remember him. he just got hot and kinda cool out of nowhere.
Temari: I heard he went away to do some type of special training for 9th grade so he missed that year but came back 10th grade a whole new person.
Ten-ten: but he still said that stupid thing at the end of every other sentence ugh what was it??
Hinata: hmmmm thats interesting, i cant even picture him being a loser haha
Karui: BELIEVE IT!!! "Eye roll emoji*.
Hinata: OMG he just texted me, okay well ttyl guys lmaoo
Karui :so you just gonna leave us for some NIGGA?!? Lol bet
Temari: get a dick pic
Ten-Ten: just ask him to impregnate you.
Hinata: BYE

Hinata switched over to the new text message she received from an unknown number
"Hey, Hinata, this is Naruto! Believe it lol"

Hinata giggled at his "believe it" and brought her phone to her chest, hugging it.
She was so nervous and excited.

"I believe it lol, how are you?"

"I'm great, kinda psyched about that interview, ya know?

" oh i hope you get the job *praying hands emoji*
"Me too but if not its cool, i'm just glad it brought me to you..."

Hinata squealed aloud blushing from Narutos message.
Hinata screenshot the exchange and sent it to her group chat before responding to Naruto

'Aww yeah im happy I got to see you again.'
'We definitely have to pick up where we left off that day'
I agree, i hadnt had so much fun in ages'
'Hey...would you want to talk on the phone for a bit?'

Hinata practically threw her phone from excitement. Then she felt embarrassed at her own behavior. 'Why am i freaking out? Probably because this guy is talking to me and I've never really spoken to a guy..especially not a guy i liked.'

Hinata screen shot the message and sent it to her group chat

Hinata: what do i say?!
Temari: say yes duh
Karui: do you want to talk to him on the phone?
Hinata :yes although idk if i'll survive
Ten-Ten:do it!!
Temari: you should put us on the line to listen hehe
Karui: great idea
Hinata: horrible idea , thats just setting myself up for failure.. Im gonna reply

"Yeah for sure :)"

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