Chapter 5

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Naruto stared at the text he received back from Hinata and smiled to himself. He got up went to his room and locked the door. He knew the guys had the tendency to just barge in. If they realized he was on the phone with her they'd do all types of nonsense.

Naruto took a deep breath and clicked on Hinata's name to call her.


Hinata's soft voice blessed his ears and instantly he had a huge grin.

Hey Hinata, how are you?

"I'm doing okay and yourself?"

"I'm great, Believe it!

Hinata giggled which confused Naruto slightly.

"Is it okay that I called you?"

"Of course, Naruto"

That reassurance was all he needed. Afterward Naruto and Hinata spent an hour on the phone just talking. They picked up where they left off in the diner. Laughing and smiling to themselves.

Learning about each other and connecting each dot of info their friends gave them.

"I can't believe you went to P.S 178 too Naruto"

"Yeah its crazy!  I feel like I would remember you!"

"I guess I'm pretty un-noticable haha"

"Well that's a lie... I noticed you right away that night. You really stood out"

"Aww really I felt so out of place that night. I didn't know what to wear and I was all alone and had never been and -"

" you looked perfect both times" he interrupted.


"Both time i laid eyes on you, at the club, and at your house. You looked perfect so you should never put yourself down Hinata"

"Oh T-thank you"

Hinata wanted to squeal. Talking to Naruto made her heart beat harder than ever before. In the hour they chatted everything he said made her smile so much that her cheeks hurt after. she was sure her face would be permanantly red.

When they finally hung up Hinata texted the group chat.

Hinata: "So guys I'm back!"

Ten-Ten: 'Wow an hour long convo huh

Karui:"Yall in love yet"

Temari: "When is the wedding"


Naruto left his room and found his roomies on the couch playing video games. He plopped besides them and sighed loudly

"Geez Naruto what is it that you want to say?" Shikamaru groaned

"I just finished talking to Hinata on the phone and shes awesome i really hope i can get the job so i can be with her all the time" he grinned.

"Dude shut up i'm tryna focus here' kiba shouted.

"Naruto you should know-" shikamaru started.

"Listen I'm just saying like i'm not sure what it is but there's something there. Ya know?"

Shikamaru sighed 'is he love sick already?'

"Yeah yeah whatever just don't screw it up or I'll steal your girl" Kiba teased.

"You should try it'll be funny to see you get shut down"

Naruto grabbed the half blunt from the rolling tray that rested on the end table.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2020 ⏰

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