REO Speedwagon

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"Dean hurry." Sam called.

"I am I just can't get my stupid bowtie on!"

"You're going to be late for your own wedding. "

"Shut up."


"Bitch. Is your boyfriend here yet?"

"Yes he's helping Cas."

"Go get him."


"Because I said so."

"Fine." Sam left to go get Gabriel.

"Yes dean?"

"Are you sure that he's all.... back the way he was?"

"Positive. Now let's get you out there. " Dean took his place with sam by his side and Gabe opposite of Sam. They all looked up as the organist started to play Canon in D. Cas started to walk down the aisle as everyone stood. He smiled at Dean's slightly agape mouth. Dean was wearing a black tuxedo with a bowtie. Cas was in a creme tux with a creme and navy blue bowtie. When he finally arrived at the alter he took dean's hands as the preacher began.

"Today we are here to celebrate the binding of two great men. Dean Winchester and Castiel Novak. As I understand you have prepared your own vows?" He looked at them expectantly.

"Yes" they said in union.

"Then may we here from you first Mr. Novak."

"Dean when I met you in person I must admit I was very skeptical. To me you were just a naive, disrespectful egotistical man. But now I see that you are so much more than that. You are beautiful, kind, caring, and I just feel so happy and lucky that God blessed me with you. "

"Mr. Winchester if you please." Dean looked nervously at Gabe who nodded his head in encouragement.

" Mrs. Marjorie?" He looked at the organist who smiled and started playing."Cas I know that I have tried so hard to hide, and deny the way I feel about you...." He started to sing "And even as I wander l'm keeping you in sight You're a candle in the window On a cold, dark winter's night And I'm getting closer than I ever thought I might and I can't fight this feeling anymore I've forgotten what I started fighting for it's time to bring this ship into the shore and throw away the oars, forever Cause I can't fight this feeling anymore I've forgotten what I started fighting for And if I have to crawl upon the floor come crashing through your door Baby, I can't fight this feeling anymore." He stopped singing and started to whisper. "Cas you are the only one I'll ever love and I promise you that I'll never deny it again. I love you so much." Cas and dean were both in tears. The preacher cleared his throat.

"I now pronounce you Mr. And Mr. Winchester. You may now kiss your spouse." They both leaned in as the organist started to play the rest of REO Speedwagon's song. They smiled into each other as they heard Sam ask Gabriel "REO Speedwagon? Really?" Both he and dean replyed.

"It's a classic!"

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