One Sided Power

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"Hey sweetie."Mandy said as she approached Liv who was once again isolating herself by sitting away from everyone, "Ive been meaning to talk to you."

"Sure. Whats up?"

Mandy sat next to her, "How are you dealing with all of this right now? Being back here with Dean and having to work with Renee and all that, how are you handling it?"

"Well.....I just got to keep my chin up and try to get through this."

"Has Renee spoken to you at all?"

"No. Like, for the challenge that we did, we didn't even discuss strategy or anything like that. Basically, we haven't spoken a word to each other since we got here."

"Yea I understand what you're going through. Im kind of in the same situation. Look, I know you're probably feeling alone but I just want to let you know that you're not. Im always here if you need to talk. I just want you to know looking out for you. In this house and in challenges. You got somebody on your side."

"Wow. Thanks."Liv forced a smile.

VC-Mandy-In this Challenge house, having numbers is a huge advantage. The more alliances you have, the better it is for you. I gotta start rallying my squad.

Mandy was then seen talking to Alexa.

"I wanna know, who do you think has your back in this house?"Mandy asked her.

"Why do you need to know that?"

"Do you want to wait until its too late to start making the right moves? You're one of the girls that always gets thrown into eliminations. Also, you have Mickie as a partner. She's a rookie. She has no allies yet. What I'm trying to pitch to you is....lets form an alliance."

Alexa listened on and nodded.

"So far, Liv is already on board. You, Liv and I ,along with our partners can be a pretty dominant alliance."

"Why would you want to help me?"

"Because I actually like you. And theres not a lot of people I like. Plus, we're all drop dead gorgeous. I only associate myself with beautiful people." she fluffed her hair.

"Alright. Im in."

VC-Alexa-Ive been in alliances before and....that didn't really work out too well. Mandy is right though. I don't have a lot of people looking out for me in this game and I don't think Mickie does either. Now, I actually have some security here.

"Trish, can I speak to you for a minute?"Mandy called her over to where she and Alexa was.

Trish approached them with a bowl of salad in hand.

"Hey beautiful. So, I want to offer you a spot in our alliance."Mandy said, "So far it consists of Liv and Renee, Alexa and Mickie and myself and Naomi. If we all work together, we can be unstoppable. Because face it, we're all wildcards. We're probably going to be picked off by the other teams any chance we get. This season, the beautiful women are going to take over. What do you say? Are you in?"


"Wow. Um. No thanks. Im good."she said.

"Are you serious?" Mandy asked, "You'd be a perfect fit in our team."

"Yea I know but I'm not really a team player. I don't need to be associated with big alliances. I can take care of myself."

Mandy was visibly disappointed, "Alright. Your loss."

Trish walked away.

VC-Trish-Mandy, I don't know you. Why would I want to help you? Why would I want to help anybody from your alliance? You guys are all my enemies. You guys are all my competition. Im not  a follower. Im not about to have you calling shots on what I should do. I just don't need it.

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