Teams Reveal pt 1

755 36 56

Forgot to mention that this is currently set in: November 2019


*The gifs don't reflect their reactions at the moment.

"So the first person I'm going to call out is....Trish. Do you have any idea as to who could be your rival?" Hunter asked.

She looked around at the other cast members. She specifically looked at Alexa.

"Its probably Alexa or Lita."

VC-Trish-Alexa and I were friends until I found out she was a total backstabber. She's always ready to throw anyone under the bus so, I cut ties with her.

"Well, good guess because your rival for this season is....Lita."

Lita nodded

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Lita nodded.

VC-Lita-Im kind of happy I got paired with Trish because honestly, I thought my rival was going to be AJ. Now, I still have an opportunity to kick her little ass in an elimination.

VC-Trish-I wouldn't really call Lita my sworn enemy. We got into a dispute last season over our boyfriends. Her and I ended up getting physical. The whole thing was stupid and I regret it. However, Lita seems like a leader type and well, I'm a leader type myself not too sure if we would get along great. But I'm looking forward to working with her.

The two girls stood off to the side.

"Next we have Enzo. Long time no see man." said Hunter.

"Yea yea yea ya boi's back! Certified G in the building! HOW YOU DOIN?" said Enzo.

Dean clapped for him.

VC-Enzo-I wasn't on last season because I didn't have a shawty on my arm you know what I'm sayin'? But I'm here now baby and I'm gonna be banging hot chicks and winning that cash like the stud I am how you doin'!

"Enzo, who do you think might be your rival?"

"You tossed me out the muthafuckin bus last time Roman, was good? I know its you!"he puffed out his chest.

Roman laughed in amusement.

VC-Roman-If Enzo is my going back home. Theres no way that I can I put up with him for the duration of this season. Not even for all that money.

"Its not Roman, Enzo." Hunter informed.

"You wish it was me." Roman teased.

"Its the man who's fiance you slept with in season one. Big Cass."


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