3: Visit In The Mists

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The moment the six guards noticed Bazuul sitting leisurely in the study, was followed by them surrounding him with their swords unsheathed. As the swords were held at his throat, Bazuul glanced at them indifferently and said: "Nice day isn't it father?" as he looked toward the king.

One of the guards roared as he started to swing his sword: "Don't you dare speak to his highness imposter..."

"HOLD!!!" the king said calmly, but one word was enough to envelop the room and the people within it with his kingly aura. There he was, his dead son in front of him and alive at that. A man of his caliber could not be tricked by a simple disguise. Also, he could his very own bloodline pulsating inside the young man in front of him.

"Ho... How is this possible?" King Varanur III stammered. When he had examined his dead son only a few days ago, there was no doubt that his soul had already left his son's body. There was no way to bring him back, and yet...

"I'm sorry father, I hope my absence did not drag you or mother down," Bazuul said cunningly, making use of his twelve-year-old body and the king's emotions as a father.

At this time, the king's face seemed to be made out of stone...

As the day went by, the passing ceremony was canceled and it was announced to the public that the prince miraculously awoke from what was thought to be death. The people themselves thought that the announcement was vague, but then again, nothing truly would change in their daily lives, dead prince or not.

A week had passed since the prince had been reinstated as alive. The queen came by a few times and so did the princesses, his brothers on the other hand, made themselves as thin as air. Which in fact, was rather to Bazuul's liking. This week he had read almost half of the books Bram brought to him.

"Hello, I'm Prince Bazuul Ylvazad, my pleasure...I'm Prince Bazu...I'm the prince of...prince, prince, PRINCE! Gosh, I sound like I want a fist in my face!" Bazuul said in anger. Obviously, he didn't like the title.

At times, due to the new environment, it was rather hard for him to stay composed. There were just too many things that an earthling like him would have to adjust to and stir him to the core at this point.

One example would be the world in itself. It was called Tiamat by the majority of the populous, nothing special right? Well not for Bazuul, he had actually heard that some old civilization on Earth used to call a precursor of Earth, Tiamat. Information that was cause for a profound amount of confusion.

The names of the continents, on the other hand - or as the inhabitants of this world would call it, realms - were a lot clearer. The realm he was on was called Ytolan. Then came Agatha, Aroi, Mu, The Emerald Valley, the north pole called Haibei, the south pole K'Tal and the island nation Atlantis.

Agatha, Aroi, and Mu were all continents fairly well known on Earth, but it was the last one, that triggered an immense surge of curiosity in him. First though, Bazuul had to focus on the Ytolonian realm. Since it, in itself, was already vast enough -- considering its mass, and its proportion to the rest on the world map, this world should be about three to five times the size of Earth. Also, there might be the possibility he won't even have the chance to see most of those places. After all, he was a member of the royal family, which only meant one thing to him, he was a bird trapped in a birdcage.

Therefore, he focused on the matter at hand, learning the ways of the royal court, trying to find out who killed the former Bazuul, and if this person was still around. Most of all, he had to survive until then.

Then, there was this darkness within him, the matter with the magister, his rebirth and the lord that identified itself as a servant of the creator in the afterlife.

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