Part 1

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Zayn walked in the dark on the pavement under the low yellow glow of lamp and almost inexistent Moonlight.

But he didn't cared. He wasn't there actually, not at least mentally. It was one of his those days when he would just slip in the subconscious corner of his mind.

Over thinking, regretting and counting all his mistakes . Having useless debates about how he could have done better,how he could have hurt people less,hurt himself less. Fighting on 'What if 's' and hoping for something different.

He wasn't depressed. No he wasn't. He would go back to the school tomorrow and will talk about all stupid rubbish with his friends, every useless gossip ,little fights,games and fun. He would sit in the class and would pay attention to everything that the teacher will say . At the end will join his friends in complaining about how boring and stupid the lecture was.

So he wasn't depressed right ? Or was he ?

He had friends, family and everything he wanted but he needed someone. Someone new and different. Someone who wouldn't judge him . Someone who would listen to him .

But it wasn't that easy right. He knew he could trust his friends . They were good but he was worried they will judge him ,judge him in a bad way. Treat him differently than before.

So here he was again . Walking blankly alone. His heart and chest felt heavy was as if the tears that he has been storing from all these years where filled in his lungs now. And it was so hard to breathe.

He wanted to cry but he couldn't. He just...couldn't. So even this time he just closed his eyes as felt the burning sensation in his eyes as if to hold the tears back. To block them from flowing out. No he wouldn't cry.

He finally stopped and looked around he was in a unknown place . It was a abandoned park. Usually no one visited it mostly there were rumours around that this park was haunted.

Zayn was scared of Ghost to be honest . But then he saw a small lake and his feet carried him there without his permission. The moonlight had painted the lake silver. It was peaceful.

Zayn didn't wanted to stay there but he was tired now. Finally that he was out of his deep thinking, he realized he might have walked miles to reach this park from his house. So he sat near the lake and then slowly laid down.

This was slightly disquieting living in two worlds as he did,lying there on his back under the inexorable movements of clouds ,feeling the earth move around him but the regret of being stuck in the same place. Thinking what he did and not know,could and could not prove .

Like how he was cluless about his future.

"Peaceful isn't it ?" A sudden voice made him jump up in fear ,his heart was beating fast , and he was scared.

"Woah...calm down." the boy chuckled again.

"What the hell !! You almost gave me an Heart attack !!" Zayn was angry, his heart was still running at a speed of bullet train.

"Sorry didn't knew you'll almost get an heart attack ." the boy smiled innocently and Zayn wanted to punch him.

Is he even serious? First of all he came and sat beside Zayn creepily and then almost gave him an Heart attack. But the point was how did the boy came here ? Zayn was sure he was alone just few moments ago and wasn't this park haunted. No one visited it ,specially at night.

"What are you doing here ? Aren't you scared of Ghost ?? What if some ghost killed you ,huh ?? Haven't you watched conjuring ??" Zayn asked standing up , he just wanted to scare the boy away.

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