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"Look at all of us..."

"These are all of our memories together..."

"They're a little sad now... But we should be happy that they happened at all..."

"Let's make some new memories together, okay?"


You see a boy sleeping in his room... What's his name?

A l e x
- - - -

The boy's name is Alex?

• Yes <
° No


Overnight, Alex woke up. It is very quiet except for the crickets. As he got out the bed, Alex look at his mom's to-do list although he doesn't feel like doing it. The cardboard boxes are littered across the house. As Alex went to his computer and opens it, he saw his mom's audio message and clicks on it.

"Hey, Alex. It's mommy. I'm still in the city setting things up for our new home. Did you finish packing yet? The movers are going to be at our house in a few days, so I left a list of things for you to do before they arrive. Also, sorry! Mommy messed up! I forgot to tell the electric company that we need a few extra days before we're ready to move, so the lights might be cut off sometimes tonight. Anyways, I know moving to a new place can be nerve-wrecking right now, but I think a change of a scenary will be positive for all of us. I know you haven't talked to anyone in a while, but you might want to say goodbye to your old friends before we leave. Charlie has been trying really hard to get a hold of you ever since we put our house up in sale. He's been calling us every week for the pass few months! He seems a little lonely... Maybe you should pay him a visit. Okay, that's it for now! Mommy loves you! Bye honey!"

( Alex is adopted >:] )

After the audio message ended, Alex's stomach rumbled. It looks like he is hungry. Before he gets to the kitchen, Alex looks at a note his mom written.

"Hi Alex, this is a note from mommy. I left some food in the fridge for you downstairs. It's steak... your favourite! Love you, XOXO."

When Alex got out of the room, he went to the bathroom to check. The bathtub, the toilet, and the mirror...

 The bathtub, the toilet, and the mirror

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Alex looks at the mirror. He has black hair, a purple and black shirt with a forest design, black ripped jeans, and white shoes. As he looks at the sink, Alex finds another note from his mom. Wow, she put notes in any room?

"Hey, Alex. This is mommy. Remember to brush your teeth everyday. Love you XOXO."

After leaving the bathroom, Alex tries walks downstairs however, he is scared. He don't wants to look down. Fortunately, Alex begin to get dizzy. He wants to sleep it off. Therefore, Alex went to his room, get to bed, cover his body up with sheets except for his shoulders and head, and close his eyes. However, his stomach disturbed the beginning of the peaceful sleep. When Alex got out of his bedroom, an eeire red glow radiates from outside. Alex felt strangely drawn to it. As soon as Alex went to walk to the staircase, it is very long...

Alex took a deep breath and walked... but he was shocked and almost jumped when his stomach growled. Alex continued to walk down the stairs. It is very long. Everything went dark and the black hands are all in the wall. Alex looked around as he heard the commotion. When he continued to walk, Alex found a knife. Suddenly, a hand popped up behind Alex. He became a little scared. Also, the hand grabbed Alex... for a fight?


As Alex looked at something, he became afraid, although he has the knife. Something shoves Alex, causing him to get a bit a damage. Alex uses his knife to hurt something. They repeated as the fight continued...


A voice came. Alex got his confidence and fights something.

"Take a deep breath... Don't be afraid, it's not scary as you think... You steady yourself, and learn how to calm down..."

Alex listened to the voice and steadied himself. He closed his eyes, breathed in and out slowly. The battle stops... As Alex finds something at the bench, it was a first aid kit. As Alex went to the kitchen, he picked up the steak knife and took the plate of cold steak out of the fridge. Alex should probably microwave it before he eats it. When he puts the cold steak in the microwave. After a minute, the microwave beeped. Alex took the microwaved steak out of the oven and put in on the table. It smells good.

Ah yes, a lovely well-done steak. Would he like to eat some?

• Yes <
° No

Alex sat down and he got his fork and knife. He begins to eat the steak.

(By the way, have a meme, I'm sorry if you got spoiled.)

The dish is empty... the steak tastes amazing but... his stomach growled. Alex think the steak is spoiled however, there is no time for a train-of-thought. Alex is not feeling good, everything was wobbly, and his stomach hurts. When Alex hurried to the bathroom, he went to the toilet and vomited. After flushing the toilet, Alex felt better. Suddenly, there is a knock on the door. Alex went out of the bathroom and hurried to the door.

"Hey, Alex! It's Ally! I'm finally back home, but I forgot my keys... Could you open the door for me?"

As Alex opens the door, a peeked outside. There was woman... in a scary look... Alex got shocked and slammed the door. He spotted another note from his mom.

"Hey, Alex. This is a note from mommy. If you leave the house, remember to look both ways before crossing the street. Love you XOXO."

Alex went to the other room and found a bandage. After he went to his room, Alex got in bed, and went to sleep. Before he sleep, he looks at his room, blanket, and the fan. Alex went to sleep, continuing the dream.

To be continued...



Hey, readers! I hope you enjoyed this story. The reason why I make the story is because I posted a flicker x omori art. It's now teaser on one day left. Stay tune for three days left. Love you all! XOXO!

- Shree, author of Flimori: Flicker x Omori

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2021 ⏰

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