Chapter 1 Enter Uzumaki (Y/N)

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A/N : Hey guys this is the first chapter to the story and I hope that you will enjoy it and also I've decided that this will be a harem and I will work on that later but for now let's get to the story.)

In the village hidden in the leaves there are two young boys by the name's of uzumaki naruto and uzumaki (y/n) and while they both do have the same look the other twin look's just like the fourth while they do look the same there personally are different while naruto is the loud and hyper one the other is the shy and quiet one but they do have a strong and brotherly bond about them that can't separate the two so it's getting morning and it's the last day of the ninja academy and they both hope that they will pass because it's there six time taken this test and they are determined to live there dream to become shinobi.....

3rd Person POV

In a lonely apartment there are two boys who are starting to get up and get ready for their day......


(Y/N) : " *Yawn* R-right I b-better w-wake u-up naru-kun o-or e-else h-he will g-get in t-trouble, Again. "said (Y/N) after he got up and stretch his arm and also moving his blonde hair out of face to reveal the brightest blue eyes

So after having leaving his room he went to his brothers to see him mumbled in his sleep

Naruto :" Mmm, Yes I would like to have more ramen please. "said Naruto in his sleep and when he did (y/n) let out a giggle over his brother and what he was saying in his sleep

(Y/N) : " Naru-kun come on you got to wake up its morning. "said (Y/N) while he was shaking him

Naruto :" Five more minutes"said Naruto who was still talking in his sleep

(Y/N) : " If t-that h-how y-your going t-to be then I won't m-make my special ramen. "said (Y/N) who was smirking because he knows how much his big brother loves his special ramen and when naruto heard that he shot up and he was wide eyed and looking at his twin with pledging eyes

Naruto :" Y-you wouldn't do that would you (n/n) -chan please don't you know how much I like it! "said Naruto who was on his hands and knees begging

(Y/N) :" *Smirk* Hm, I n-new something would w-wake you up *giggles*."said (Y/N) who was laughing at his brothers red face

Naruto :" Don't you dare say that again (n/n) -chan you no how much, I've love your ramen. "said Naruto

(Y/N) :" Right s-since your a-are up we can get ready f-for the a-academy. "said (Y/N) who started to leave the room so his brother can change

Naruto : " Right you can start with out me (n/n) -chan I'm going to do something first. "said Naruto

(Y/N) :" A-alright naru-kun I met you there d-don't be late like the last time. "said (Y/N) after having gotten dressed in a blue t shirt and a black and blue hoodie and also black pants and ninja sandals

So after leaving the apartment (y/n) walked to the academy and while on the way there he saw some of the villagers glaring at him and he doesn't know why they are but they avoid him and his brother and sometimes they would throw mean word's to them and that they told there children
to stay away from them because they are monsters and because of that they don't have any friends but (y/n) always had one person that always stan up for him and that was his best and closest friend hinata......


Hinata :" H-hey (n/n) -kun a-are you exited a-about today. "said Hinata who was sitting next to him while having a massive red blush on her face and while she pokes her fingers together

(Y/n) :" Hai, I am h-hina-chan but it's the s-six time t-that I am doing this I don't n-no if I can p-pass and to live my dream. "said (Y/N) with his head down but then he felt a hand on his shoulder and it was hinata

Hinata :" I've believed t-that you will become a ninja (n/n) -kun I've always believed in you. "said Hinata who gave him a smile but then she noticed what she said and her blush gotten worse

(Y/N) :" Hina-chan are you okay are you s-sick. "said (Y/N) who had his head titled and had his hand on her face

Hinata :" I a-am *faint*"said Hinata who fainted

(Y/N) :" Um, Hina-chan are you okay? "said (Y/N) while he was poking her cheek

Shikamaru:" *Sigh* She fainted (y/n). "said Shimamaru who was behind him

(Y/N) :" Oh. "said (Y/N) who was still looking confused

Shimamaru :" Don't ever change (y/n). "said Shimamaru who was smirking a bit at him and from what was happening because he knows why she fainted

So after a while the sensei came in with a tide up naruto and when the other brother saw this he sigh and got up to help his older brother

Naruto : " Thanks, (n/n) -chan for helping me get out of those ropes. "said Naruto who was rubbing his wrists

(Y/N) :" No, P-problem naru-kun let me guess pranking again. "said (Y/N) with his hands in his pocket

Naruto :" *giggle *Yep you know me I was teaching the village to finally accept us for once. "said Naruto

(Y/N) :" W-what did you do. "said (Y/N) who was curious on what he did

Naruto :" Hehe I graffiti the hogake mountain hehe *punch*, Ow what was that for! "said Naruto who was surprised what his brother did to him

(Y/N) :" You baka, Pranking is one thing but you can't just disrespect the hogake mountain you idiot! "said (Y/N) who was yelling at his brother and also surprising some of the other students that where there because they never seen him this angry

Naruto :" O-okay, I'm sorry jeez for someone that's shy you can get really scary sometimes (n/n) -chan. "said Naruto

(Y/N) :" *giggles*I n-now b-but we should take our sets because the sensei is about to speak. "said (Y/N) who seat back next to the recovered hinata

3rd Person POV

Iruka :" Right, So since naruto decided to have a little fun being late again you all will have to take the transformation jutsu again. "said Iruka and when he did everyone had an uproar

Everyone :" What no fair!!!!! "said everyone

Iruka :" Settle down everyone right when I call your name we can begin just form a line at the front of the class and we can start right up first,
Uchiha Sasuke. "said Iruka

A/N : Okay guys that was the first chapter let me know what you think about it and also what should be the nickname for (y/n) in the story so leave some comments below on what it should be so with that being said I will see you guys next time.)

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