Chapter 46

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The joint venture of Dasan and Kingston is going so well. In the middle of the meeting, sitting at the left side of Zach, I am trying to understand the agenda of the meeting. They are going to split the stock at the beginning of next year. Both the communities, the Crimson Moon and the Blue Creek, will be getting more and more involved in social activities together to strengthen the bond and love between them. And I'm the one who's gonna lead these activities as the wife of the head of my community.

Two members of first brother's community are also here, God knows for what reasons. That coquettish Sara is talking right now. She's looking sometimes at Zach and sometimes at the members sitting around the table. It seems like she's trying to take the lead and Zach is letting her do that. I move my eyes from the documents to Zach.

Gosh! He's looking so handsome today as well. Why does he need to look so in front of that bitch?

I sigh internally and try to concentrate on the meeting. But it's so hard. I look at Zach again.

Oh ! That straight nose bridge, that pale skin and long blond hair which is tied back, that strong and well defined jaw line, that apple of Adam and strong shoulder!

This person is actually mine and I'm the one who gave birth to his children. Just this thought makes me feel so proud and fall in love with him once again. I really want to kiss those beautiful lips. Suddenly Zach looks at me as if he could hear my thought. I get puzzled. He leans towards me and whispers, "Just wait for tonight. But don't complain if your waist hurts tomorrow morning."

I get a big thump in my heart and hear Nelson clearing his throat. I look at others and see Sara frowning at us. She's sitting just opposite of Zach. Nelson intervenes Sara's speech. "We cannot do what you are demanding. It will increase the expenditure unnecessarily."

"Yes, that's right." Nathan supports Nelson. "We have already talked about it beforehand. I have a better plan which will fulfill your demand without affecting the profit. Please check this out." He hands over a document.

We check the documents and Zach seems satisfied. But I sneer internally. Nathan is also emphasizing on social activities. It's almost like adopting the Blue Creek community.

Zach says in his deep tone. "Great! The plan seems perfect. Fima, on behalf of Crimson Moon pack, will handle the activities of your society so that you can engage and invest more on the venture. We both need to raise our investment- you know it too."

Sara tries to say something but one of the members of First brother's community speaks up. "It'd be great. By this plan, your pack will get more support from the royal brothers. I don't think that there's anything to object for."

Sara doesn't say anything and accepts the plan.

The meeting's over.

Walking through the corridor, I reach to Nathan. The first brother's members and Sara have left already. Zach is in his office room with Nelson.

"Hey! What's up, Nathan? Why are we almost adopting Sara's community? Why's Zach so concerned about her and her community? Tell me the truth. You are my friend so I hope I can trust you."

Nathan seems to get frozen on his place. He blinks several times and looks here and there timidly. Finally he opens his mouth.


Is she suspecting her husband? Why? Is she jealous?
Women are really dangerous when they are jealous. They really lose their eyes to see the sincere heart of men because of their jealousy.

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