Chapter 1

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We were running through the beach hand in hand splashing each other and laughing. Me and Jai Brooks. We were then rollerskating through the park hand in hand. We were walking through the streets of Paris hand in hand. He kept saying my name whispering things in my ear yet I wouldn't listen...

"Chelsea... Chelsea... Chelsea!" shouted Jai waking me up.

I opened my heavy droopy eyes revealing my bedroom filled with sunlight. I sighed, of course we're 'just good friends'.

"10 more minutes..." I groaned shoving him off my bed.

"Chelsea, it's 8 am." He warned. My stomach did a backflip as I fell out of bed running to my wardrobe.

"Fuck." I sighed rubbing my face with my hands. I grabbed my uniform and makeup and ran to the bathroom getting ready as fast as I could.

"5 minutes." I announced proudly walking into the kitchen fully dressed and ready to go. Luke shoved a bowl of coco pops infront of me with a disapproving shake of the head.

"Have you ever heard of an alarm clock?" He smirked.

"Oh shutup!" I laughed shoving him lightly.

"Hurry up!" Jai shouted. I shoved the last spoonful of coco popsinto my mouth and rushed to the mirror. I brushed my long brown hair and applied another coat of mascara.

"Stop admiring yourself." Luke winked pushing me, whilst fluffing his hair in the mirror. I grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the house.

"Who you texting Jai?" I asked poking his stomach.

"Ariana." He said brushing me off. To be quite honest a part of me died when he said that, he'd been talking to her non-stop this week always skyping her. You see, I've had this crush on Jai for ages, yet he feels nothing back, only Luke and James know about this crush. Luke flashed me a sympathetic smile whilst engulfing me In a hug.

Just at that moment my other best friend Tilly turned round the corner waving at me and Luke. She studied our faces and mouthed "what's up?" we both turned to Jai who was still on his phone. She sighed and nodded.

"Hi Jai!" She squealed hugging him tightly.

"Get off Tilly." He groaned looking back at his phone.

"what's up your arse this morning?" She asked.

"Fuck off." He mumbled. Tilly tapped her foot impatiently, she grabbed Jai's phone and stuffed it In her bra.

"No phone today Jai, you are going to spend some time with us." She stated looking him In the eyes. He groaned once more.

"Oh Jai, we're not that bad!" I said wrapping my arm around his shoulder squeezing it tightly, he looked down at me smiling and nodded. And with that we set off for school.

Luckily today we only have 3 lessons since we break up for summer today. We were sat In science our last lesson, everyone was just chatting and playing music. Every summer all of us go on a road trip, we fly over to a country and rent a car there. It's kind of been a tradition for 8 years. Yet this time we can go alone since we can actually drive ourselves.

"So, this summer's road trip." I squealed poking them both. Luke grinned at me wriggling his eyebrows.

"I was thinking the UK!"


"Oh my gosh! No way! Ariana's coming over for the summer!" Jai shouted.

My smile dropped as I let out a quiet "oh"

"Don't worry we can still go on the trip just us two." Luke reassured me.

"Hey! I wanna come!" Moaned Jai. "how about Ariana comes?" Jai said excitedly. I couldn't let out a single croak. I cleared my throat and nodded.

I was walking home with Tilly since the boys were going to a meeting with Sony.

"It will be fine Chelsea, I'll come along and keep you company, you wont even notice she's there." Tilly said rubbing my back. I gave her a look. "Okay so you might. But who cares it won't last long." I gave her another look. "Alright alright it'll be great though." She smiled, I smiled back weakly. "How about me Luke and Jai all sleep over at your house tonight?" Tilly smiled. I nodded.

"I can't believe the road trip is tomorrow!" Beamed Luke.

"I haven't even packed yet!" I slapped my forehead.

"Jai, you help Chelsea pack and I'll get Luke to help me pack. Meet back In an hour." Tilly winked.

"But Till you've alrea- Ohh. Yeah see you later." Luke said dragging Tilly out the door. Me and Jai made our way upstairs and Jai collapsed onto my double bed and let out a sigh.

"Come on Jai!" I pulled his feet trying to get him off the bed.

We'd been packing for half an hour now and we were drawing to a close.

"Oh my gosh, Jai look what I just found." I smiled showing him a piece of paper.

"No way!" He whispered gently tracing his fingers over the writing.

"Our bucket list we wrote when we were 8!" I said astonished.

"We have to do it this summer!" Jai shouted.

"What about Ariana?" I asked.

"What about Ariana?" Jai replied. I had to fight the huge grin that was crawling onto my face. I covered it up with a cough.

"We can still do it!"

"You think?" I asked. Jai nodded as we both beamed at each other.

I woke up squished in a double bed of all four of us, I turned over to Jai who was sleeping so beautifully I couldn't help but stare. I climbed out of bed quietly trying not to wake anyone up, I put on my slippers and tip-toed downstairs to the kitchen. I had a glass of water and waited for them to wake up. I sighed and tip-toed to the study upstairs. I grabbed a few heavy books from the bookcase and made my way over to my room. I drew open the curtains and dropped the books on the floor which made a loud bang.

"What the fuck?" They all groaned.

"Oh my - I totally didn't see you there!" I said sarcastically.

"Yeah right!" Jai shouted jumping out of bed and chasing me down the stairs. We were both screaming and laughing whilst he kept trying to grab me, he cornered about to splash me with water yet I picked up the fairy liquid and squirted him. He shook his head laughing, he picked me up bridal style and ran with me into the hall, we both slipped and rolled on the floor laughing. He quickly stood up and bent over, hands on knees laughing uncontrollably. I put out my hand for him to help me up he reached for my hand when we were interrupted.


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