Chapter 2

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"It's Jai." I said under my breath. Jai quickly let go of my hand and rushed to Ariana's side. I got up and tried to excuse myself yet they were so caught up in each other.

"I can't believe you're here!" Jai whispered cupping her face in his hands.

"I know!" She giggled. I made my way upstairs and bumped into Tilly on the way.

"Is she here?!" Tilly whispered. I nodded. "Why is she in your house?"

I shrugged, "We need to be at the airport in 2 hours so hurry up!" I whispered.

"I'm gonna go home and I'll get Luke and Jai to go back and get ready, meet you back here in half an hour." She smiled patting my shoulder and leaving. I stepped into the shower feeling the hot water wash over my body. As excited I was about England I had a certain feeling in my stomach.

I arrived at the Brook's house in:

I hesitated for a while waiting for Tilly to come, being Tilly at that moment she came around the corner waving then running dragging her suitcase behind her. She was wearing :

I knocked on the door shaking slightly.

"Hiya girls! I'll give you lift to the airport in a minute, they're in the living room." Gina greeted us putting on her earings. We walked into the living room to see everybody standing awkwardly with their suitcases.

Ariana looked amazing she was wearing:

She looked up and gave her signature smile with the dimples and everything. "Hi!" she squealed standing up.

"Hi I'm Chelsea and this Tilly." I replied grinning.

"Wow I love your outfits!" she complimented us.

"Aww thank you" me and Tilly replied In sync. As much as I hate to say it Ariana was the nicest person I've met... Lala waltzed through the room sniffing our bags.

"Aww! And who's this little fur ball?" Ariana giggled picking up Lala and cuddling her.

"That's Lala." Jai replied dazed by Ariana. She giggled and quietly spoke to Lala in a doggy voice.

"Right come on let's get going!" Gina called out to us slipping on her shoes.

"Gonna miss you guys." Beau said pretending to cry.

"What about your videos? You can't not upload any for the whole summer?" I asked.

"We filmed a load in advance." Luke smiled. We all nodded. "Bye Beau!" I said breaking the silence and giving him a massive hug.

He held on a little longer and whispered into my ear "Get Jai while your there." He said winking then saying goodbyes to everybody else. I narrowed my eyes confused at how he knew I liked Jai.

We arrived at the airport at 6 am, two hours till the flight. I hugged Gina and we all said our goodbyes and started checking our bags in.

We were all sat in the lounge with a Starbucks and our hand luggage at our sides.

"I need to pee." Tilly whined tugging on my arm.

"Charming." Luke winked. Ariana did that awkward laugh and we all looked to the ground.

"be back In a minute." I said hopping off the bar stool being dragged by Tilly.

Whilst Tilly peed I quickly brushed my hair and re did parts of my make up. We had 10 minutes till our flight left.

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