Chapter 5

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I turned around to Y/N desperately and shook her body.

"Y/N!.... Y/N!.... Y/N!" I kept on shaking her but it was no used. Her body started to freeze up.
"GET THE DOCTOR!" I shouted to the others and they rushed down to go find him.

Soon everyone came in with the doctor with worried faces on.

The doctor checked her forehead and then her heart.

"HELP!" Y/N screamed through the nightmare. Our hearts pumped harder.

"It's the BlackShadowZ, I can feel their presence..." The doctor closed his eyes and scanned his hand above her body. He was focusing very hard which made us beg harder and harder. "Out... release... breathe.." He repeated those words and Y/N screamed even more.

"HELP PLEASE!" Y/N screamed again.

Doctor said the words louder and louder with more passion and soon, Y/N let out the most terrific scream ever heard which crushed everyone's heart, but her body went completely frozen.

"Is she okay doctor?" I asked.
"Yes, the shadows are out of her body, but will come back. She's just recovering at the moment. It'll only take a bit so she'll be awake but will be scared so be careful" We all sighed in relief. "Oh and also, if it happens again, it will be harder to help to the point she will be stuck with their games.

"Thank you doc" We all bowed and so did the doctor as he walked out of the room.

It only took a few seconds until Y/N jumped up, huffing heavily.

Y/N Pov

"You trust everyone, just stop"
"Nobody likes you, let go"
"You're not strong, you're weak"
"Everyone uses you, use them"

Voices crowded me in the darkness and I couldn't do anything. I felt shackled to the ground and started to sink in quick sand.

"You can't escape us and you know you can't"

"I-I can.." I started to pull my arm but it felt painful. The pain moved to were my heart was.

"If we can't take your soul, then we will take your heart to get the soul."

"I-I won't let y-yo- AHHHHHHHHH" I felt a hand grope inside my body and then pulled my heart. It wouldn't move.


I started to cough out blood.

"HELP!" I pulled my body away and tried to get up. My knees wobbled as the sand disappeared and I fell. My mind was blank.

I cried out loud with the blood dripping out of my mouth.


I must have fallen into their game..

I just want to get out of it.

Everywhere around started to glitch and so did the shadows.

It wasn't long until I saw a white light at their heart but I quickly faded. One of the shadows grabbed me by the neck and pushed me down to the floor. I was being choked.

"p-pleas-e s-to-op..."

Jumpscared by the shadows, I let out a scream as they scarily glitched in front of me.

They soon were gone, but I was still in this world. I looked and my arm and noticed how I was glitching too, feeling weaker then the last second...


My eyes shot open. My body shot up. My breathing shot mad.

"W-What H-Happened? W-Why am I h-ere?"

Jungkook walked towards me with some water.
"Calm down..." He softly said and he opened the bottle cap and helped me to drink. "The shadows are gone..."

"How did y-you know?" I asked, still terrified. He flashed his red eyes. Right, he's a vampire.
He placed the water down after I had a sip and wrapped his arms around me in a hug.

I focused on my breathing in the hug.

In... and... out...

I kept repeating it until I felt calm but I was hard from the experience. My hands were shaking madly and my teeth chattered loudly.

"S-So... why am I h-here?" I still shivered but held it in. I was still terrified. He let go of the hug, staring at my face.

"We're going to protect you from the shadows and the other creatures in this area. Not only that, we are going to find out who you are." I nodded. At the moment, I feel useless so knowing they will help granted a smile upon my face made me forgive them more.

"Well then... thanks.. but what about Seulgi? Is she okay?"

"Yes, she's okay. We told her you're doing a project."

I nodded again and tried to get up. I bit my lip as I watched some go out of the room until I tasted something strange on it. I placed my hand on my lip and looked at it.


'What on Earth' I thought and stood up, moving to a mirror.

"What's wrong?" Jungkook asked as I look at myself strangely.
"Nothing... it's just I had a b-bloody mouth in the n-nightmare" I stuttered, remembering it.
"I don't see how it would be on you if it was your dream"

I looked up, hoping the worse would go and this was just an after effect.

That was until Jungkook rapidly looked behind himself. His face turned angry.

"J-Jungkook? Is there s-something?"
"They're around here still, wait a second"

He ran out of the room as if he was chasing something. I stared at the mirror hopeless, useless, unable to do anything. I was a target and all I could to is to hope Jungkook will protect me.

I hate him, yes, I know I do, but it's the best to do.

It's either die and get through this or live and stay with someone you hate. I got to say though, he's probably a good guy..

Jesus Y/N, what are you thinking about.

I slapped myself unconsciously as I thought more.

The reason he bit me was because of my scent and it was the first time meeting one so I guess I can forgive him because it was a mistake.

I slapped myself again as I knew I was uncontrollably thinking about these things.

Then, looking in the mirror deeply, I saw something in the corner of the room. Something which I wouldn't expect to see in front of my face. I was strange to see her. She was pale everywhere and looked, as if holographic.

I turned my head to see it properly.



Dun Dun Dunnnnnnn...

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