Chapter 14

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"Jeon Jaehwa?"

I said, rushing to her side of the cage.

"I thought you died!"
"I thought you would be safe on Earth but I was wrong, I'm sorry!" She said, holding the bars. I place my hand onto of hers and held them while she shivered.

"How long have you been here? You look so pale and sick. Also going to mention how skinny you look." She started to cry.

"I've been here since the war."

Memories flooded back about her and the war. I tightened her hands as they are painfully come through.

"The war... that was ages ago..." I looked at her looked down while nodding. "You've been here for so long..."

"Not only me..." She started to point to the other cages and even more memories unlocked as I noticed they were all of the other GateKeepers who I used to work with. And then there's the queen...

"We've seen the other girls as shadows here but they have stopped coming so we hoped they are okay."

"They are, people said I saved them on Earth..."

They all nodded and sighed.

It felt so weird know that everyone has been stuck here all this time.

"We have to find a way out!" I got up and they all weakly looked into my direction.

"We are all too weak and we've forgotten about our powers." One of the Boy GateKeepers said. I nodded my head as a no and spoke again.

"You've just lost hope, think of someone you love and make them proud by showing you won't let the king win!"

I walked to the front of the cage and help it tightly while thinking hardly. I sent a power wave through the cages as they all touched it. They all felt some power run to them along with energy and got up even though the were still very skinny.

"He was going to kill us all at the same time but we won't allow this, we will protect our land. Isn't that right Queen?" I looked to her and she was lost for words. In the end, she smiled with a nod.

"Exactly" She said and we all share glances.

I started to tell them about the poison runners and that BTS are in the house looking for us. They have to be careful though because the King now knows they are in the palace. I also said about losing my bag but that was quick as they all had a little laugh at my stupidity. Then, I told them about how I beat the dream and they all listened in closely.

"We can heal ourselves by running our hand over where it hurts."

Then, we came up with an idea for the next time the King comes in.

I will ask the king 'why are you taking so long to kill us, do it now.' We are hoping that the poison runners open the dungeons at the same time and we run, if not then if your gate opens, run and shout for BTS since we know them must be some where in this palace.

The night went and our mission started as soon as the door opened. We all acted weak. I walked to the front of the cage as the king walked placed and grabbed him. I turned to me with a death glare.

"Just kill us, I don't get why the point of killing is slow is. Our bodies will heal over time and then when the punishment comes, it does nothing. Kill us all now." I said desperately, hoping it works. He smirked at me, loving me begging for my death wish. "P-Please!" He walked to the lock on my dungeons and the PRs came in, spraying to toxic everywhere. They opened the doors at the same time and everyone made the run for it except from me.

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