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chapter four— twin

"Kookie!" Taehyung jumps into his boyfriends arms after a few days of being apart. It was finally the weekend and they could spend some time together.

"Hey babybear," Jungkook hugs him equally as tight, missing the scent and warmth of his boyfriend. The two let go after sometime, locking hands and walking along the street of where Taehyung lives. They stop by the park, sitting at the bench after buying ice cream and just began watching kids playing in the playground, dogs playing with their owners, couples walking along the sidewalk, several bicycles passing by them. But even with all the ruckus and noise around them, they felt at peace. Because they were by each other's side.

They finished off their ice cream and began walking around, catching up on what's been going on with one another. After sometime, Taehyung began yawning, alerting Jungkook that his boyfriend was tired.

"Kookie.. I'm tired," Taehyung pouts while rubbing his eyes with his fists. Jungkook coos at his adorable lover, pecking his forehead as Taehyung rests his head on the others shoulder.

"You wanna go to my house and cuddle? We could watch that new Netflix movie you were talking about earlier," Jungkook suggests, making Taehyung excited and nods. They walk to Jungkooks car and heads off to his house.

Taehyung was nervous of course, he's never been to Jungkooks place and plus, his brother was living with him so he heard Jungkook tell him before. He was scared the brother wouldn't like him and would make Jungkook break up with him. But all was reassured when Jungkook settled his hand on Taehyungs thigh, seeing his boyfriend tensed. They make it to his house and the waiters jaw drops down. It wasn't no house anymore, it was a mansion! Taehyung almost fell from being overwhelmed.

"Kook this is your place?! I know you're rich and all but I didn't expect something big as this," Taehyung looks around, studying how luxurious it all looked. Jungkook grabs his hand, pulling him in the house. There were maids all waiting on the side, bowing to Jungkook who bowed back in respect. Taehyung does the same as Jungkook drags him up the stairs.

Taehyung was brought to a room that had a modern look to it, a king size bed in the middle and other stuff around it. He figured this was Jungkooks room, seeing all the trophies and medals on the wall and don't forget the pictures all over his shelf.

"So, this is my room. I know it's a bit messy but I wasn't really prepared to bring you to my house." Taehyung smiles at his shy remark, sitting on the very soft bed and slightly jumping, giggling while doing so.

"Are you thirsty babe? Let me go get you water," before Taehyung could even answer, Jungkook was out the door and down the two flights of stairs. Taehyung stands up, taking a better look at the pictures on Jungkooks shelf, giggling and cooing at how cute he looked in all of them. One picture having him batting a baseball, the helmet almost drowned his entire head, he looked so small in it. He continues to look until he hears a whine coming from outside.

"Kooooookiiie!" He hears a childlike voice call out. Who was that? And why was he calling my Kookie, Kookie?

Come barges someone in a bear onesie, he looked quite tall but not as broad and buff as Jungkook. His head was turned towards the bed where Taehyung couldn't see his face. They were holding a bunny plushie and....a pacifier? Why was this guy holding a paci?

They then turn around, making Taehyung drop his jaw once more today. He looked exactly like Jungkook, except the buff and broad part but other than that, they were identical. Before Taehyung could speak up, the boy points at him with his bunny.

"Chu," he points at Tae.

"Where's my kookie dookie? Did you kidnap him? I'm gonna tell grannie," he cutely glares at Taehyung who just coos at the cute Jungkook look alike. Now it doesn't take a genius to realize that they were twins. Taehyung walks up to him with eyes full of adoration.

"Hi there cutie! I'm Taehyung, Kookies boyfriend, it's nice to meet you," Taehyung pinches his cheek softly, feeling how smooth and soft he was. His tenseness vanished as soon as he saw the cutie.

"Chu awe Kookies boyfwend? Kookie dookie did not twell ggukie.." the little one pouts. Taehyung hugs the baby, Ggukie soon hugging back and nuzzling his face in Taehyungs neck.

A cough breaks apart the two, seeing an annoyed Jungkook at the door with a tray of water and fruits.

"I see you have met Jeongguk. My twin brother."

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