|Chapter 21|Pure Bliss|

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Scarlett's POV

I woke up with a huge headache, and someone's arms around my waist, quite tightly. I turned around to face them and realised it was Simon, then the memories of last night came rushing to me and I remembered asking Simon to stay with me. I also realised that we were in Vikks room, and in his bed. I shot up and looked around for him, but by doing that, I clearly got up way too fast, and ended up groaning out in pain and extremely dizzy, which made Simon shoot up as well, "What, what's wrong, are you alright," I nodded in response and lent forward so my hair covered my face, "You're quite clearly not," He replied and put his hand on my back, to which I flinched forward slightly, yet again, force of habit, his hand dropped and he sighed lightly. "I'll go get you some water and some pain killers, and then maybe we can talk? Properly," I nodded in response and he walked out.

"He's trying you know?" I jumped out my skin and looked to my right to see Vikk sat at his desk facing me, I sighed and nodded, "You should have heard the things he was saying last night,"

"I heard, every word, I came to a bit when one of you was shaking me yesterday and I heard everything that was said between you both," I looked up at Vikk,

"Then you know that he's really sorry," I nodded "And that he really likes you?" I nodded again and let my hair fall back over my face, "Listen you can't let what that prick did to you ruin the rest of your life, you've gotta get out there and live your life, okay?" He was sat next to me now, he pulled me up by my chin and made me face him, "I wanna hear you say it,"

"Okay," I said with a slight smile, he let me go and laid down on his bed,

"Room for a little one?" He laughed,

"Shit, I'm really sorry about that Vikk, where did you end up sleeping?"

"I just used Simons room,"

"Oh, fair enough,"

"You better not have left a mess," Simon said as he walked back in the room,

"Cross my heart, I didn't touch anything, now not to sound offensive or anything, but do you two mind leaving, I want a good sleep before I have to start recording again,"

"Yeah, no, sorry, no problem, see you later yeah?" I said back,

"Maybe, we'll just see how today goes okay?" I nodded in reply, gave him a brief hug then started walking back to my room, Simon hot on my heels.

When we got to my door I span around and went to take everything out of his hands, "Thanks,"

"It's not a problem, how're you feeling now?"

"Dizzy mostly, and a little bit ill, but nothing serious," I said with the best smile I could muster,

"You're the worst actor I've ever met in my life, cmon, sit," He said as he sat on the carpet, I sat next to him and took some tablets as I did, "I just want-"

"I heard," I interrupted,

"Heard what?"

"What you said last night, to Vikk,"


"I want you to know that I forgive you, none of this was your fault okay, I'm just a bit touchy about certain things, one thing I've learnt whilst not being around you is that those shitty quotes that are supposed to get you through life, aren't all bullshit, absence really does make the heart grow fonder, I missed you,"

"I missed you too," He replied, we were sat facing each other now,

"I missed you more," I said and leant in, and in a second the hole that I'd created for myself was gone, by this gorgeous, amazing person, I'd never cared about someone the way I cared about Simon, which was scary to me, yet fascinating, the fact that I was completely and utterly infatuated with this boy, yet so terrified of falling in love again.

He pulled away and tucked my hair behind my ear, "You're gorgeous you know that right?"

I bit my lip and shook my head,

"Well you should," He said and pulled me back in, except this time it felt like there was more meaning to this kiss, like there was more passion behind it, like he really meant what he said, and it was addictive, I once again found myself sat in his lap, my hands around his neck, his on my waist, I felt safe, cared about and for once, happy.

We once again pulled away to catch our breath and I smiled at him, I'd made a decision I didn't think I would have made for the rest of my life.

"This isn't exactly traditional, but Simon, would, uhm, will you," I couldn't get the words out, but even if I would have attempted to, his hand was over my mouth in a flash,

"Scarlett, would you please be my girlfriend," I smiled and nodded and yet again pulled him in for another kiss, this one, pure bliss.

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