Fight Fighters

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Me and Dipper were in the arcade playing Fight fighters

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Me and Dipper were in the arcade playing Fight fighters. One of my favourite games.

"Watch out! Wow! Ooh, cutscene!" I said as we watched the cutscene.


"YOU TAKE THAT BAAACKKKK!!!!!!!!" The other character said.

And so the cutscene ended and we started playing again.

"Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Go! Go!" Dipper was saying to himself as he was getting destroyed by me in the game.

I was playing with Admiral Big-Calves and Dipper was with Rumble McSkirmish.

"K.O! The winner: Rumble Mcskirmish!" What! But i was beating him. Nuh uh impossible.

"What no. That's unfair you cheated!" I told him.

"YOU TAKE THAT BAAACK!" He said imitating one of the characters. I laughed a bit.

"Hey i gotta go to the toilet I will be right back." I told him and left for a while.

After I came back I saw him looking at Wendy and Robbie playing the game. He was obviously sad.


We were in the Mystery Shack playing cards and Mabel was winning.

"King me!" She said as she showed us her two kings.

"It's not fair, she doesn't even know what we're playing!" Stan complained.

"Go Fish?" She asked as suddenly we heard an electric guitar play from outside followed by some very bad singing.

"Weeendy!" It was Robbie singing outside. God that was bad.

"Ugh, sounds like Robbie." Dipper said.

"Definitely him. No one else sings this bad" I replied.

"Robbie? Is he that jerky twerp I see making goo-goo eyes at Wendy all the time?" Stan asked. Honestly what kind of language is that. Please speak like a normal person.

"He called me 'Big Dude' once. I mean, I know I'm a big dude, but it kinda hurt." Soos said.

"Should I sic Waddles on him again?" Mabel asked us as Dipper shook his head.

"I'll handle it" He said as he got up.

"Oooo" We all were surprised by his courage.


Dipper was pacing through the living room. "What was I thinking?! I can't fight! I've never been in a fight before! Look at these noodle arms!" I kinda felt bad for him.

"Just bonk him over the head! It's nature's snooze button!" Stan said.

"Boys! Why can't you learn to hate each other in secret? Like girls do!" Mabel said.

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