Land before swine

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It was a normal day

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It was a normal day. Well as normal as it got In Gravity Falls. Me, Dipper and Soos were sitting on Soos's truck. The guys had a theory that a dinosaur of some kind was in the woods

"Today's the day guys. Thanks for coming along on this mission." Dipper was basically going to explode with .

"Dude it's an honor. Today I'm sweating from heat and excitement! Hoo!" Soos said as I laughed.

"There's something hiding in these woods. Something big enough to rip the roof off a car. If we get a photo of this thing we'll be heroes!" Dipper said as I rolled my eyes.

"Heroes isn't the word I'd use but whatever Pines" I told himd as he suddenly looked at me.

"Hey didn't we agree you would stop calling me Pines?" He asked as I shrugged.

"I know I know. It just gets boring calling you Dipper all the time. A new nickname won't hurt" I chuckled but he didn't find it funny.

Dipper said something but I didn't quite hear it. I decided to leave it as it is and not tease him anymore.

"So anyways how long will this take?" I asked and took a can of Pitt Cola. "Ugh. Didn't you bring any energy drinks?" I asked Soos looking at the cola with disgust. Soos just shrugged as he got a cola for himself.

"We will sit here even if it takes days!" I rolled my eyes to Dipper's comment.

"So what you expect us to live only on Pitt Cola and a half eaten sandwi- Wait where did the sandwich go?" I looked around and saw Soos eating it. "Nevermind..."

We heard a loud noise as the cameras started taking pictures rapidly. We looked at the place where we had put a steak but it was no longer there. I could see Dipper's huge smile as he suddenly pulled me into a hug.


It was later that day. Me and Dipper were developing the pictures.

"Dipper camera B got the wing, then the one that should have gotten the rest is C. Can you go see it." I told him as he did as I asked and walked up to some other pictures. "Well what do you see?" I asked him.

"The foto is still developing. It won't be long until we get a result though." He said as we high-fived.

"Who wants victory nachos?" Soos walked in as he swung the door open.

"Soos wait NO-" But it was too late. The picture that had the creature waded to black and we couldn't do anything about it.

"Dude don't worry. I only ate like a third of them. Half of 'em. I ate all of them, dude!" Soos laughed as I facepalmed. I noticed Dipper was very pissed off.

"I can't believe you, man!" Dipper shouted.

"Sorry, dude. I was just so excited! Nachos cause excitement!" Soos tried to explain.

One mystery left to solve | Dipper Pines (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now