Times like these

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* Dehji is walking down the hall on the third day of school & bumps into Montrey* . ( Montrey is the tall lightskinned god that changed her life. The history with them goes waaay back to grade school but this year lots of things happened between he almost took her virginity! But she made the wise choice of backing out.)

Montrey: "Hey Dehji," he says while showing off those pearly whites,"What you doing shouldn't you be in class?"

Dehji:"Boy I am grown !", she says while giggling, "Nah im just messing around with you i had to come organize my locker'

Montrey: "Umhmm nah you just came to see me"

Dehji: "Booooooooooooooy BYE !! you a little too cocky for me Montrey umumm i cant handle yo yella ass !"

Montrey: "yeah yeah girl you love me !"

Dehji : "Whatever trey go to class !"

Montrey: "Aight girl text me tonight" "Bye bae," he says while winking at her.

Umumummmm Trey just don't know if he wasn't such a damn hoe he couldv'e been cuffed my lil ass but naah nigga wanna play games..

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