Chapter Three - The Next Step

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After dealing with Kurosawa's agent, Stain and Venom go to Stain's hideout in Hosu City. Upon seeing the hideout, Venom chuckles.

Venom: Not a bad set up. Beats Kurosawa's labs hehe.

Stain: It does the job. Now it's time you gave me answers. 

Venom: Straight to the point as always. What do you wish to know?

Stain: What does Sasuke Kurosawa want with you?

Venom: I was created in Kurosawa's lab as part of a top secret project. 

Stain: Project Symbiosis......

Upon saying that, Stain immediately becomes confused at his own words. He had had never heard of the project and yet he knew it's name. 

Stain: do I know that?

Venom chuckles at Stain's confusion. 

Venom: When we consumed Kurosawa's agent, we absorbed some of his memories. An interesting little side effect to our collective power. 

Stain then realized that the agent's memories were now connected with his in some sort of storage type system that was connected to Venom. He attempted to access the agent's memories and saw a meeting between him and Kurosawa. 

Agent(Memory): We've tracked the Symbiote to Hosu City. 

Kurosawa(Memory): Good. Gather a team and retrieve it immediately. But do it discreetly. We can't afford to let the Symbiote be discovered. If it bonds to someone, then Project Symbiosis will be put in jeopardy. 

Agent(Memory): Understood Mr. Kurosawa. The Symbiote will be retrieved. 

As the agent left the room, the memory abruptly ended. Stain felt a moment of discomfort. Venom found this humorous. 

Stain: What...what was that?!

Venom: Your body isn't used to that kind of strain. Your body hasn't had enough time to fully adapt to my power. You've used quite a lot of power back there. You're lucky to still be standing. Most of the guys that Kurosawa had me bonded to 

Stain then began to feel the effects of being Venom's host starting to take hold on his body. He collapsed on his knees as Venom continues to elaborate on the nature of their symbiotic bond.

Venom: It's going to take some time before your body is able to cope with the bond. But at least you're not dead hehe. 

Stain: I'm glad you're taking this so lightly. 

Venom: Just trying to lighten the mood Hero Killer. 

Stain then wondered something about Venom, more specifically Project Symbiosis. 

Stain: What's Project Symbiosis?

Venom: Project Symbiosis is Kurosawa attempting to mass produce other Symbiotes like myself for profit. 

Stain: So there's more like you?

Venom: Yes. However, some of them are....defective. Imperfect. Flawed. 

After a moment, Stain was able to get back on his feet. He then took a moment to think of a next step to deal with Kurosawa. He knew that he would stop at nothing to retrieve Venom. 

Venom: So what's our net move partner?

Stain: Kurosawa knows that we're in Hosu City. We wait until he makes his move. Once he does, we'll retaliate. We hunt him down and kill him. We kill anyone who stands in our way. 

As Stain laid out his plan for Kurosawa, Venom is pleased with this as he lets out a laugh.

Venom: Sounds good to me partner! I can already tell we're gonna have a grand time!

As Stain and Venom lay out their plan, Kurosawa meets with the leader of the mercenary group known as the Black Dogs.

Kurosawa: Thank you for coming on such short notice Deadeye. 

Deadeye: The pleasure is all mine Mr. Kurosawa! I can always count on you for good coin. What's the job?

Kurosawa: There is an individual I want dealt with. 

Deadeye: And who would that be?

Kurosawa: The Hero Killer Stain. 

Upon hearing that, Deadeye became interested. Like everyone else in Japan, Deadeye was familiar with the reputation of the Hero Killer. 

Deadeye: Now what exactly did Stain do to you? He kill someone you know?

Kurosawa: Not exactly. He's come into contact with something that belongs to my company. I want it back. What you do to the Hero Killer is inconsequential. All I want is what he's stolen. 

Deadeye: And what pray tell did he steal? What are me and my boys looking for?

Kurosawa: You'll know it when you see it. 

Deadeye took interest in that.

Deadeye: Noted. Whatever the Hero Killer has, we'll find it. And if he puts up a fight, then Heroes all around will breath a sigh of relief. 

Kurosawa: I hope you're right Deadeye. For your sake. 

Deadeye: Don't worry about it Mr. Kurosawa. He's only one man. I doubt even the Hero Killer himself will be able to take on the full might of the Mad Dogs. There's nowhere on this Earth that he can hide. Just give me his last location and we'll track him down. 

Kurosawa: Stain was last seen in Hosu City. He'll most likely be set up somewhere in the city. I suggest you be quick about it. Remember that Stain is a man with many enemies. 

Deadeye: Anybody who gets in the way is as good as dead. 

As Deadeye exited Kurosawa's office, he met up with the rest of the Mad Dogs.

Deadeye: All right boys! We got ourselves a manhunt! We're after the one and only Hero Killer himself! He has something that belongs to Mr. Kurosawa! Let's find it and relieve the Hero Killer of it! MOVE OUT MAD DOGS!

Deadeye led the Mad Dogs out of the building to begin searching Hosu City for Stain. As they do that, Kurosawa sets in some contingency plans in case the Mad Dogs fail to kill Stain and retrieve Venom.  

Venomous Stain: Lethal Protector (MHA X Marvel)Where stories live. Discover now