virgil part 2

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*go back and re read last chapter to refresh memories*

Virgil pov

I wasn't sure what had happened? It was like the shadows consumed me and brought me here.

I heard my name being called by my friends. "I'M COMING" I yelled. I ran over as fast as I could.

"Guys guys you'll never believed what happened."  I panted.

"I think I will" Thomas said. He bowed "hello son of Hades ruler of the underworld"

Remus and deciet gasped

Roman laughed "oh wow who could have guessed the emo kid wold be the kid of the completly black god"

"Dont be mean kiddo" patton smiled and looked at virgil.

"Im so *sad* you found out virge"
"Good for you virgie. My dark strange son" both dad's said at the same time.

They looked at each other and blushed.

Roman hooked his arm around logan "what do you this nerd" he said jokingly.

"Well ligesticly it makes sense. Virgil did always dissapere into the shadows. He also had the "vibes" did i use that right" logan pulled out a vocab card.

"Well now we all know lets celebrate" remus said wiggling his eyebrows.

"Ewwww" virgil laughed.

Sure he was terriefied for the future but atleast he wasnt alone. And all his friends got along.

>_< i know its been forever but im dealing with stuff

Now for the hard part

Pick a main ship

Deciet x virge

Roman x virge

If youre still here just know you valid and amazing

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