Yubelle's past

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Yubelle's POV
After getting back together, we where walking through a forest and JP was complaining. "Can we stop I can't walk any further" JP whined "quit whining, we'll keep walking till it gets dark" Takuya said. Shortly afterwards my stomach growled, I blushed "are you hungry Yubelle?" Bokomon asked, I nodded. "Hey Takuya" "yeah" "can we stop, Yubelle is starving right now". Takuya looked at me "fine we'll stop, but I don't think there's anything to eat around here" and as luck would have it Zoey appeared with an apple. "Those are meat apples they taste like meat" Bokomon explained.

Time skip Zoey's POV

Me and Tommy returned with many meat apples. I been thinking a lot on why Yubelle doesn't talk much so I figured it's time to get it out of her, one away or another. "Hey Yubelle" she looked at me "I think it's time you told us why you don't say anything" everyone else agreed, as we looked at her. "Don't think of ignoring us we want to know" JP said.

Yubelle's POV
'What do I do, I don't  want to tell them. It's none of their business anyways' without a word I got up and ran towards the trees. I heard the others yelling my name in surprise and..........worry? Yeah right, just because we traveled together doesn't  mean their my friends. In the back of my mind I could hear Seraphinamon telling me to go back, I ignored her. Without thinking I looked back to see the others are behind me, barely there's a good distance between us. I got my detector out and digivolved into Seraphinamon using her strength and speed I ran faster while also jumping high distances to get further away from them. I know I'm  being childish running away but I refused to share my past with them.

koiji's POV
We were all confused to why Yubelle suddenly took off like that. I saw a flash of fear that was replaced with defiance before she ran. I couldn't  help but remember the conversation we had back with the snail digimon.

Flashback starts
'I know this is none of my buisness but I have to ask, why are you here?'. After supper I went to a seperate room practicing with a long thick piece of wood while thinking about the question she asked me. Yubelle entered and a look that said 'I'm  waiting' I stopped practicing and sat down "I don't  see how that should matter. I'm  just bored and thought 'why not' might be worth my time" I said yubelle grabbed her notebook and wrote 'what about your family? Don't  you miss them?' I raised an eyebrow at this. "No, I could care less. My mother died and dad remarried. I have no use for a family that's incomplete" next thing I know yubelle slapped me after what I said. I looked at her in shock to see she was glaring Coldly at me. 'You have no idea how lucky you are to have a family that cares for you. Not everyone is fortunate!!!!' Even if it was written I could hear the tone of voice she was using. After that she walked out angerly and I was thinking over her words.................
Flashback ends

Thinking back on it does the reason she doesn't  talk is because it has something to do with her family?........

Yubelle's POV
Running, running nonstop Kouji turned into lobomon, the others digi-volved as well and were catching up. 'Crud' before I knew it I was tackled to the ground by lobomon and tried to get him  off. He manged to pin me down as the others surrounded us. Just then a light surrounded us and I blacked out.

Zoey's POV
when the light disappeared we saw a road then 2 vehicles came, a car and a truck. To our horror the truck and car crashed, smoke rose from both vehicles. Afterwards an ambulance came and two adults were put inside bodybags, meaning their dead. The woman also had black hair in the same style as Yubelle. 'Is that her mother?' Clearly the others were thinking the same. "Hey there's a kid in here! She's  alive, barely" someone screamed and like that 3 other men went to the car and forced the door to open. One dragged out a kid's body who was barely breathing, it was Yubelle.

Then we found ourselves in a hospital room. Yubelle was awake but was laying down on the bed, I have to admit she was so cute as a kid!!!! A doctor and a nurse came in, since the curtain was up, they didn't  know that yubelle was awake. "Hard to believe she survived that crash" the doctor said "barely, unfortunately shards of the glass went deep enough to harm the vocal cords. She'll make small sounds but  can't talk  since she'll cause more stress on them". We heard whimpering and realized Yubelle was crying after hearing the conversation. The nurse tried to calm her down. After being released, yubelle stayed at a orphanage that made her do chores along with the other kids there. Later she was adopted only to become a slave to them. I can't  believe  Yubelle is able to put up with this and the punishments are just plain cruel. Next thing we know we're back in the clearing with yubelle back in her normal form with tears in her eyes.

Author's note: Edited this chapter. A long with others if they need it.

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