Chapter 32 - Fall

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I ran to the tree's base and scrutinized the trunk, the cracks in the bark varied in size and it would be extremely difficult to climb without the use of some kind of tool. It was far too wide to shimmy up.

I turned back to the pile of picks which was now empty, Nate's lips curled as he strode past me, twirling a pick in each hand. This was it, I had to try my best to get to the top, even if it was just to stop Nate from getting his hands on that dagger.

As I turned back to the tree, determined to climb it with or without a tool, I heard someone shout my name.

I turned to see Will with two picks. He tossed one to me and I unexpectedly caught the handle.

"Let's do this!" he yelled with enthusiasm.

We made it to the base, and I swung the pick high above my head, the metal tip penetrated about an inch into the extremely thick bark. I yanked it out with surprising ease and leapt up, slipping my fingers into the niche the pick had made. I pulled myself up and swung, the tool arching above me and digging solidly into the bark above my head.

By finding snags and large cracks within the bark, while also using the pick to hoist myself up, I found I was nearly half way to the base of the branches before a sound caught my attention. A dull thumping just off to my right.

Nate, a pick in each hand, was slowly gaining, throwing his weight from one pick to another. It wouldn't be long before he would overtake me. Will was just to my left, and his presence gave me courage. I looked down, my heart suddenly leaping to my throat at how high we were already.

The youngsters struggled to pull picks out of the trees to move on, but rather unpredictably, Dylan wasn't too far behind the older boys that were pulling ahead. Although he couldn't reach up as high to gain ground faster, his little fingers expertly squeezed in between the small cracks the older boys couldn't use and inched up slowly but steadily.

I tried to keep my eyes focused upwards, to the branches that were now so close, but a sick feeling entered my stomach when the dull thudding of picks sounded closer to my right. I glanced down to see Nate nearly even with me, but he looked to be slowing down. The amount of physical strength it took to climb the way he was, was as clear as the sweat on his forehead.

Before I could escape from his path, he did take a swing at me, and I moved my leg just in time as the bark shattered with the impact of a mighty blow. Will pressed in on my left and slowed, hawk eyes scalding Nate. Then I was into the branches, this was my game now.

I stuck my pick into the first branch and left it there, knowing it would only hinder me. Will was now directly below me, struggling alongside Nate. I jumped, twisted, and contorted to reach the next branch, higher and higher. I had to be halfway by now...

I took a moment to rest my arms and look down. Trying to ignore the dizziness of the height, I saw Nate and Will quickly gaining, and a few of the others hot on their heels. Liam was doing well, as was Charlie. I couldn't see to the other side of the tree, but I assumed I was the closest to the top.

I hated to think what would happen if someone were to fall. There was a scuffling around the other side of the tree, and I grabbed a branch above my head, peering around to see who was there. To my absolute displeasure I came face to face with an extremely sweaty and anxious Byron. He would have been the last person I expected to be good at this.

For a beat I hung shocked...a moment too long. Byron lifted his foot and kicked me in the stomach with a soiled boot. Because he didn't have great balance at the vantage he was at, the kick only sent my back to hit the branch behind me. It was more the act of the kick than the actual deed that caused me to pause and catch my breath. He would risk putting himself in danger to see me fall? He really was an idiot.

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