Thoughts ❤️

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Nicole couldn't stop thinking about how she would tell Roman about her new storyline with John ! He probably wouldn't care because he doesn't love her, but he might get upset with her ! Why does she get to be close to the man she loves when he couldn't be with the woman he loves ! He loves Hope but sometimes he wishes he could be with the woman who broke his heart the woman who walked out on him when he needed her the most ! He found small comfort in being with Nicole but they both knew that the only love in them was the love they have for Hope and not each other !

They got to their hotel room and they put Hope to sleep ! They smiled because they knew she was so happy !

Nikki: Today really took a lot out of her !
Roman: Yeah she was really happy ! Especially when she met John !
Nikki: Yeah seeing them hug just melted my heart because I could see how happy and excited she was !
Roman: I'm sure not as much as you were when he hugged you !
Nikki: Uhh no ! I mean it was nice but no one was as happy as Hope today I can bet on that !
Roman: I guess !
Nikki: I need to talk to you about something !
Roman: What is it ?
Nikki: Stephanie offered me my job back !
Roman: That's nice !
Nikki: And well I took it !
Roman: What ? I thought you were going to focus on Hope and your company !
Nikki: Well Hope is the one who convinced me to take my job back ! She misses you when you're on the road and well she wants to be homeschooled and this would be the reason why she needs to be homeschooled so I took it !
Roman: Okay so we're traveling together now ?
Nikki: I don't know Stephanie put me in a storyline with John....
Roman: What now you get to make out with John on screen ?
Nikki: I couldn't say no to Stephanie she just gave me my job back !
Roman: Listen you better not mess this up !
Nikki: What do you mean ?

She said as she stared getting angry ! And him as well !

Roman: I didn't waste a year of my life being here for you and for Hope so that at the first sign of sweet things that John says so that you can leave me alone with Hope !

Nikki was now furious she couldn't believe that was the thing going through his mind !

Nikki: Listen first of all I would never ! Ever in a million years leave my daughter ! She's my daughter I found her she's my responsibility ! Second of all no one asked you to stay ! Yes I came to you for help but all I needed from you was a signature saying you would be her father ! If you really wanted to leave you could have left ! I could have done this all on my own ! I have you only see Hope when you're not on the road and you come to see us ! And we pretend to be in love for her ! I didn't ask that of you ! You brought it up !
Roman: Because I wanted to help you !
Nikki: No you wanted to help yourself ! Don't think I don't know that Kelly tore your heart out and that since that day you haven't been able to love again I don't blame you but don't say you were here for me ! I believe that you were and always have been for Hope but never have you been here for me !
Roman: Yes I have !
Nikki: If you would have been here for me, you would try to love me ! Try to be with me the way a man should with a woman ! But no you're still so in love with Kelly and again I don't blame you ! But you haven't been here for me !

They never realized that Hope was listening the whole time she didn't know what to do ! She felt bad that they were fighting so she did the only thing she knew how to do ! She left she wasn't going to run away she just needed time and air away from that room so without them noticing she left the room and sat down in the lobby ! What she didn't expect was to find help on comfort in the man who loved her mom with all his heart !

John: Hope ?
Hope: Oh hi !
John: Why are you down here ? Where's your mom ?
Hope: Upstairs !
John: Does she know you're down here ?
Hope: No she's fighting with daddy and I just didn't want to be up there anymore !
John: Fighting ?
Hope: Yeah I guess daddy isn't happy that mommy is going to work with him again ! Or well with the company !
John: Really ? What else did he say ?
Hope: I don't know I left before they started yelling !
John: Hey what if we have some cookies and milk ?
Hope: I can't have sugar before bed or I have nightmares !
John: Then how about you join me for some apples and other yummy fruit ?
Hope: Sure !

He held out his hand for her and they walked hand in hand to the dinning room of the hotel !

Up stairs !

Nikki: You know what tell me now Roman do you want out or what ? If you do tell me now so that I can find a way to tell Hope without hurting her !
Roman: I don't know I just can't handle this anymore I'm going out for a walk song wait up ! I might not come back !
Nikki: Don't worry my bed an I wouldn't know the difference !

With that he looked at her angry and stormed out of the room ! Nikki was so angry ! So angry that she could just cry ! She decided to go check on Hope the one thing that could make her smiled right now ! When she went into her room she didn't find her she started to panic !!

Nikki's Pov
When I didn't see my baby I lost it ! I couldn't bare the thought of losing my baby ! She must have heard us fighting and she must have gotten scared !

Nikki at this point was crying her eyes out and she ran out of hotel room to look for her ! She asked if they saw a small girl ! One man told her that they saw her heading to the dinning room with another man ! And she thanked the man and ran to the dinning room and she didn't expect to see John ! She thought when they said they saw her with a tall man she thought it was Roman ! She ran to Hope and she hugged her !

Nikki: Omg baby ! Why did you leave ! You scared me ! I thought....
Hope: I know what you thought I'm sorry I shouldn't have left the room without telling you !

They hugged as Nikki cried onto Hopes shoulder !

John: I'm sorry instead of brining her here I should have taken her upstairs !
Nikki: No it's fine downstairs was a better place then up stairs !
Hope: Mommy are you and daddy breaking up ?
Nikki: That's not something we need to discuss right now ! But I just want you to know something !
Hope: What ?
Nikki: If daddy leaves know he's leaving me ! Not you ! Me ! Okay ?
Hope: Okay !

Hope hugged Nicole and Nicole wiped away her tears and she turned to John and thanked him for being there for Hope and keeping her company ! Then they headed back to their room and Nicole fell asleep with Hope in her arms....

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