Chapter 1

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Your POV

As a young boy around the age of six, your parents always insisted on taking you to church every Sunday. Not that you really minded of course, it's just that you never really liked any of the other kids there. Sure there were a few nice ones but they were usually always already laughing and playing with their our group of friends. Until one day, while sitting in the back after the reception waiting for your parents, a little girl with blue hair and a single green strand of hair walked over to you and stood against the walk next to you. She seemed about your age, maybe a little older as she stared blankly ahead at the other kids while remaining quiet.

"So, I'm guessing you don't really know anyone either." You said after a minute, glancing at her and she gave a slight nod.

"Yes, it's true that I don't know anyone." She said and looked over at you. "But, I am still thankfully my parents take me here every Sunday. It's truly a privilege."

You chuckled a bit then nodded. "Yeah, I'm thankful to God that I have parents like mine, sometimes I feel like those other kids don't really understand how lucky they are."

"I know what you mean. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one besides my parents who takes this seriously." She glanced at the other kids then back at you.

"Well, I'm not like those kids." You said and she gave a slight small smile and nodded.

"Yes I know, it's easy to tell you're not like them. What's your name?" She asked softly, leaning her shoulder against the wall to face you.

You smiled softly and bowed slightly then stood up straight. "My name's Y/n, what's your name?"

"Xenovia, it's a pleasure to meet you." She replied and then looked to her left and saw her parents walking towards her. "Well, I have to go now. Perhaps I'll see you around."

You nodded slightly and waved bye to her. "You'll definitely see me here, I know that for sure. Who knows, we might end up being friends."

"I'd like that, I'll see you later Y/n." Xenovia said and waved bye then walked away with her parents.

Ever since that day, you and Xenovia quickly became good friends. You saw one another at least three to four times a week and even when you didn't, you always knew you would see each other in church. Every Sunday you and her would go say your prayers and then sit and talk about wanting some day to actually work for the church.

"So, you've also heard of the holy sword Excalibur?" She asked and you nodded, looking forward of the huge cross that stood behind the stage.

"Yeah, I overheard about it from my Dad. However he told me that it was split into many different holy swords. I hope to one day wield one of those blades in the name of the Lord."

Xenovia once again gave you one of her rare small smiles and looked forward at the cross as well. "I heard the same thing except from my Mom. It would be such an honor to work for the church under the Lords name. One day, I believe and pray that we'll both get to that point."

"I hope so too. Who knows, maybe we'll even be chosen as partners." You said and looked over at her and she looks over at you and nodded.

"Yeah, that doesn't sound terrible. I'd be fine having someone like you as a partner." She said and you smiled.

"Then it's a deal, I vow that one day we will both end up as partners. Working for the church in the name of God. And I pray that we both get the honor to obtain the ability and skill to wield a holy sword."

Timeskip: One year

You felt tears roll down your face as you clung to your Mom's leg and looked up at her. "Please, tell me this is a joke!"

Your Mom looked down at you and shook her head. "No Y/n dear, this is not a joke or a dream. This is actually happening." She said and patted your head gently.

You glanced down the street at Xenovia's house where she lived, seeing her in the back seat of the car looking over at you. Behind the car in the street, there was a moving truck and her parents were packing the remaining boxes into the back of the truck. The wind blew through your hair causing the tears to fly away in the wind. "This...this isn't fair, why would God make this happen?" You asked yourself quietly then ran inside.

"Y/n, wait!" You heard your Mom call out but you continued running. You quickly began to search around for a paper and pen then wrote something down on it then ran back outside down the street just as the trucks last box was being loaded. You quickly got to the box and slipped the note inside and smiled a bit as you wiped your tears away, seeing it was Xenovia's box. 'Thank you God for making this the last box to be loaded into the truck.' You thought to yourself as you felt your Dad pick you up.

"I know you're sad about Xenovia moving away kiddo. But if you keep your hopes up, I'm certain God will see to it that you run into her again." He said and ruffled your hair playfully and smiled softly.

You nodded slightly and sighed. "I know I will, I made a promise we'd one day work together as partners." You said, glancing at your Dad who nodded.

"I see, we'll I'm certain that will happen one day son." He said and chuckled and you waved goodbye to Xenovia and she waved back, but you noticed something odd about her.

That was over eleven years ago, and every time you thought about that day and replayed it in your head, there was one thing you could never figure out when you waved bye to Xenovia. As you stood up slowly about to head out receive the final step you'd be working hard for these past eleven years and you looked looked out the window. "Did...Xenovia have tears in her eyes? I can't believe that, then again I couldn't see through the glass of the car fully." You said, grabbing your white church cloak and putting it on and walking towards the door to officially receive a Holy Sword, still wondering how you were going to keep the promise you made to your childhood friend as you walked out the door.

Childhood Friend (Xenovia x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now