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Today, Benn and I are meeting with Leo's aunt to discuss the upcoming anniversary party for Uncle Hainsey and Aunty Emyln. This time, thankfully, I had time to shower before needing to leave; I'm not a sweaty mess and nor do I smell like an overly floral wave of perfume and deodorant like I did last time.

Speaking of Uncle Hainsey...Leo is actually working with him at the rental shop today because Grandma, Aunty Emyln, and Mom have all gone out together for a day in The Village together. I'm not exactly sure what they're doing, but I hope they're having a good time. That aside, I also hope Leo is doing well. He's a great guy and all, but I can tell he's uncomfortable when it comes to being social. No shame directed towards him or anything like that, though, because it's entirely normal to be anti-social. I just hope it's not too awkward for him.

"Have you called that company about the cake yet?" Benn asks as I pull into the parking lot, amazed by the spacious pasture and the prominent outline of the mountains surrounding it. 

"No," I reply. "But I'll call them as soon as we're finished with this appointment. Last time I checked with them, they told me the cake would be ready for the date we need it. But I promise you, I will call to confirm."

"Thanks," Benn replies, unbuckling his seatbelt. "You're a lifesaver, cuz."

"So I've been told," I mutter, removing the keys from the ignition and stuffing them in my bag. In silence, Benn and I walk up to the front of the venue we're renting out. It large, large enough to have been a carrier house at one point. Judging by how pristine everything looks, I'm assuming that's what happened. I make a mental note to ask Leo about it and see if he knows anything. 

At the entrance, Benn knocks and the two of us wait on the front porch. We're not standing in the sunlight, but the heat is blistering. My skin is sticky with sweat and no matter how quickly I fan myself with the papers in my hand or how much ice water I drink, I can't seem to cool down. After this and the call I promised Benn I'd make, I may just have to go swimming in Fitzsimmons Creek in order to do so. 

After a couple of minutes pass, I turn to Benn. "I don't think anyone's here. Should we try the house?"

Benn rubs the back of his neck as he squints into the distance, towards the rancher and the property beyond. "I don't know, Aria. We're not here to socialize. We're here for a meeting."

I roll my eyes, shoving the seating charts and the rest of the papers into his hands. "You wait here, then," I reply. "Maybe Tenille or Kit ran back to the house to grab something. I'll run over there and knock so I can see if that's the case. If she shows up before I'm back, text me. If she's at the house, I'll bring her down here. Easy peasy."

"Always the ambitious one," Benn replies, organizing the papers. "But it sounds like the best plan we've got."

I'm at the bottom of the steps when Benn shouts: "You realize that Leo isn't home, right? There's a zero chance you're going to see him naked."

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