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I never attended the grad celebration, prom, or whatever you want to call it when I graduated from high school. I thought it was a pointless celebration and just an excuse to play dress-up. But if I would have gone, if I would have cared, I'm assuming this is exactly what it would have felt like as I walk through the doors, welcomed by the familiar beat of country music and the buzz of laughter and voices, with Aria by my side. It feels surreal, to be honest. At the beginning of the night, I didn't think I was going to be able to talk to Aria, let alone be with her again. I like this. I like how natural it feels. 

Part of me feels as though I didn't let her explain her role in this small mishap, but she also didn't need to justify her decision. Her heart was in the right place; she was only looking out for me and I can't fault her for that. As long as we can discuss our issues, we can make this relationship work. I'm here for her, and now I know she's here for me. There's nothing that can take us down. 

"Wow," she says, smoothing the front of her dress. "You were right. This party is still in full swing. Has anyone even left?"

"Doubt it," I shrug. "I wasn't lying when I said this party will be going until the sun rises."

Aria nudges me in the ribs. "Just like I wasn't lying about how heated games of Monopoly can get in my household."

I chuckle, unwilling to admit that she was right about that. When I arrived at the house, Luke and Rosa, and the rest of the family, had a game of Monopoly set up. They were all sitting around the kitchen table waiting for Aria. But by the time I came downstairs, they had already started the game, obviously realizing that Aria would not be joining in by that point. I watched them go through several rounds while Aria was getting ready and I could already sense the tension in the air between Luke and Kate. I can't imagine what the game is like right now. And Luke and Kate were only arguing over if someone should win all the tax and jail money if they land on free parking. 

"Come on," Aria says, nudging me again. "Admit it, you know I wasn't exaggerating when I told you about the drama that Monopoly causes in my family."

I side-glance her. "If I admit to it, will you dance with me?"

Aria bites her lip, obviously resisting the urge to shake her head. "You know I don't dance."

"And you know I don't care if you have two left feet. The whole point of this is to have fun."

"Can't we just get drunk? That's always fun."

I'm about to use her typical underage comments she throws at me to my advantage and say that I'm too young to get drunk, but a whirlwind of yellow fabric and light brown hair interrupts me. The same person those attributes belong to also manages to break Aria and I's hands. Aria stumbles backwards, a subtle oof escaping from her lips. 

"Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. You're Aria Madden. I thought my dad was lying when he told me Leo was dating you, but it's actually you. Oh my God. This is so amazing. I can't believe this."

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