Chapter 33

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Once Y/N finished packing her things, which isn't a lot cuz she didn't have much clothes in Zach's room, they started watching Netflix downstairs until the boys came home and joined them. They continued watching until it was dinner time. By then, Y/N fell asleep on Zach but all the boys were awake, knowing they had to get food so they will not starve by the time they left for tour. Zach gently shook Y/N awake as she had to go get dinner and snacks with them. Once she was awake, they went to chipotle to get food. When they walked in, they saw a familiar face, someone who Y/N hates, someone who Zach hates, someone who the boys hate... The one and only Kay Cook. She had a smirk on her face as she looked at Y/N.


I saw her... Y/N was ordering her food and she was just staring at her with an evil grin. Oh no.. what is she planning..

Z: Guys, kay is here... please make sure Y/N will not get hurt

B: Of course we will

Y/N: Will what?

I shook my head indicating nothing and she smiled back. I didn't want her to get worried or angry at kay in public, especially cuz we are not official to the public yet. I then saw Kay look on her phone then left, still smirking at me. Soon, I heard fans screaming our names from across the street, waiting for the traffic light.

Z: Shit, guys let's go to the bathroom and hide.

I quickly shoved everyone into the bathroom for disabled people and called our security guards to come get us out. While waiting, we heard them banging on the door. I went on twitter and saw fans retweeting a tweet, it was a photo taken by kay saying that we are at chipotle. Damn it the door sounded like it was going to break and Y/N looked so afraid. I quickly went next to her and gave her a tight hug while whispering

Z: It's going to be ok, I'll protect you

Soon our security team came and moved fans out of the way and quickly formed a barrier big enough for us to squeeze through to leave the place. We rushed to our car and drove home, stopping by target on the way to grab some snacks.

Z: I'm so sorry you had to go through that Y/N...

Y/N: It's okay Zach, look on the bright side, we will be going on tour in 3 hours. Let's just make some food with whatever we have in the kitchen. No worries

Y/N is so sweet and forgiving, what did I do to deserve her. Her surprise tomorrow will definitely be a big part of her life, I cant wait to see her reaction


A/N: Hope you are enjoying the story! I try my best to post a few chapters everyday as I have another story after this. I don't think I'll be doing a sequel to this story cuz idk how to continue it but for sure there is an ending to this story. No cliffhanger HAHA

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