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Yeonjun pov

I was talking with Taehyun when I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw that it was the viceprincepal. For some reason the vicelprincepal hated me eventhough i didn't do anything wrong. She always would glare at me when i passed her in the halways and whenever there was a fight she would always think i did it. Because of this i started hating her too and now here we are, glaring at eatchother in the middle of the cafetaria.

The stares of random people in the cafetaria startes getting on my nerves and i felt uneasy. Deciding i wanted to go away from this place as soon as possible i broke the silence between us. "Yes ms. Byun?" She blinked surpised that i broke the silence but recovered quickly. "The princepal wants to see you before your next class" She said with her high pitched voice. I sighed but told her i'll be there before packing my bag and walking towards the princelpal's office.

I walked inside the office finding the princepal already waiting for me. He had a serieus look on his face and he looked kinda scary. I cleared my troath and said, "You wanted to see me sir?" He nodded and shifted in his chair. "I called you here because I decided what your punichment is for getting in that fight yesterday."

Thinking about what happend yesterday made my blood boil. I didn't even do anything. I was just walking in a hallway when someone bumped into me. I apolegised and the boy i bumped into did the same but suddenly someone shoved him. He looked at me thinking i did it and i quickly explained i didn't do it. He turned around to the boy that shoved him and punched him. It ended up in a big fight and ofcource the viceprincepal blamed me.

Back to my current situation.
"I figured out that because of your good grades you could tutor someone." My eyes widend at what the princepal said, not believing my ears. "You're saying that i have to teach a random person how to make their homework because they're to stupit to make it themselfs!?" I exclaimed still not believing it. "That's a harsh way to put it but yes, that's exacly what i'm saying."

3th pov

Yeonjun was making his way to his classroom eventhough the bell wouldn't ring for another 10 minutes. He arrived at his classroom rather early and there wansn't a single soul in the hallways or in the classroom. Or so he thought. When he entered the classroom, still mad at the princepal for making him tutor some random stupid kid for something hi didn't do, he realised someone was already there. In the back of the class there was a single boy sleeping in his chair. He looked rather cute with his eyes closed, messy hair and a lip slightly sticking out forming a cute pout. His face looked relaxed and it almost looked like he was smiling enenthough he was still pouting at the same time.

Suddenly his brows twitched and a frown formed on his face. The little pout dissapeared and was replaced by a tin line. The boy started to tremble slightly and looked rather pale. Deciding it was better to wake him up, yeonjun walked over and slightly shook his shoulder. The boy flinched but slowly opened his eyes looking around. When his eyes found him they widened in shock. He opened and closed his mouth a few times before giving up saying something to the boy standing in front of him. Yeonjun decided he had to break the silence for the second time that day and said, "Hii, you looked like you were having a bad dream so i decided i should wake you up. I'm Yeonjun by the way." The boy finally got the courage to speak and said. "Uhm, thanks for waking me up i guess. I'm Soobin."


Hii, I wrote this at 2 in the morning so it's probably not the best. I didn't proof read it and i'm sorry for any possble mistakes. I tried to make it a little bit longer than last chapter and it kinda worked. I hope you enjoyed and i'll try to make a next chapter soon!

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