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Author's POV

The Angel, the Fallen Angel and the Devil have been in a war ever since. This caused many innocent lives taken away. 

As the three faction war on each other, two mighty Dragons have appeared in the middle of the battle and they fought each other.

These are the Heavenly Dragons. Ddraig, The Welsh Dragon. And Albion, The Vanishing Dragon.

Some of the three factions tried to attack them, but it's all useless and ignore them

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Some of the three factions tried to attack them, but it's all useless and ignore them. The Three Faction decides the put their differences for now and work together to take down the Dragons.

But all of their effort of attack were useless. The Dragons attack the Three Faction before attack at each other again.

As the Dragons continue on fighting, two persons walk towards them. The first guy is wearing a red coat, white hair, blue eyes and has an enormous sword on his back. And the other one is wearing a blue coat, white hair and blue eyes and holding a Katana on his left hand.

These two are the Sons of the Legendary Dark Knight, Sparda. Dante and Veril.

Dante: "Ready to do this Vergil?"

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Dante: "Ready to do this Vergil?"

Vergil: "Evidently. I will show these lizards what true power is."

The two brothers rush to the two Dragons while the Three Faction stood there and watch.

The Sparda sons were able to defeat the Heavenly Dragons while watching their corpse turn into dust. They saw Red and White orbs floating towards them. Dante hold out his hand and whispered something to it and let it disappeared. Vergil just let the orb disappeared in the air.

When they where about to leave, the Three Faction block their path.

Devil: "Stop where you are!"

Fallen: "Surrender those weapons to us."

Angel: "We cannot let you have something dangerous."

The two brothers look at each other first before Dante bursting into laughter while Vergil chuckling.

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