Chapter13- My memories of how he left me and how Jaze I met

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I was cleaning my room. As I was going through my things, I found a photo of me and Jack. After looking at the picture for a while, I went to the basement and took out the box. This box contains memories of the both of us during the time we were still together I took out the box. As I looked at them, I recalled how the two of us used to be. He used to pick me up every morning and he and I would go to the park together feed the stray cats or dogs then after that we had breakfast at a restaurant or sometimes we would order some food. Then we would kiss, hug, and whisper “I love you” to one another. We would also go on dates all the time but sometimes we’d rather stay at home and watch TV while munching on some popcorn. But now, it's all gone, he's gone. He once told me that he'll never leave me alone. He said he loves me and I believed that in him. But the worse part is, I thought that everything is going to be alright when it's not. One day, after he went home from work, I noticed that he was tired – so tired even when compared to the days he would work throughout the week without any sleep. I could still remember, when he called at that time, I had a bad premonition. I just knew that the words he would utter would never cause anything good.


     "Yes, Jack?" I could remember answering back.

     "Let's break up."

I knew it. I knew something was wrong between the two of us. From the moment he started to be lose his temper at me for the small things I’ve usually done, I already knew that we would not be together any longer. But that does not mean that I could accept it.

     "Why are you breaking up with me? Have you found someone better?"

     "What if I did?"

I could feel my throat constrict. I wanted to cry but my tears won’t fall. It was supposed to hurt and it did. It hurt a lot. But I’ve already grown slightly accustomed to it. Sooner or later, I’d be numb.

     "I thought that you love me?"

     "You know what, Elsa? I cannot stand you anymore. You keep on telling me what I should do. I'm so suffocated by you!"

     "You don't love me anymore?"

     "It's not that I don't love you, I just I need space."

What he said was an excuse. A mere attempt to salvage the situation. But I could not help but hope that all he really need was space.

     "I'll give you your space. I'll give you what you want. But remember this Jack, I'll find someone better than you!”

We kept on fighting and shouting at one another until he decided to put an end to everything. He threw me away along with the love I’ve given him. He doesn't know how much it hurts when he left me for another girl.

5 years have passed.

I’m still trying forget him because I still love him. He thinks that he's the best. He thinks that many girls admire him. It was as if would swoon over him. I could not help but mock myself. I was also one of those girls who loves him very much.

I tried to fix myself but just thinking about him makes me feel worse. He was everything to me, but cheated on me. I felt pathetic I felt miserable that he left me.

I pulled myself together. I can do this, I repeatedly told myself. After quite some time, Anna knocked on the door.

     "Yes, Anna?"

     "Come on, let’s go out.”

     "Okay, but I'm staying in the nearest coffee shop.


We went out, and headed to the mall. I told Anna that I’ll be in the coffee shop because I feel suffocated with many people around me. I told her to just text me when she's done and I'll go over there. But so far she didn't text me yet. Then I wondered how is Jack is he happy without me, is dejected and lonely because I still feel that way since the he left me. I snapped out of and stood to order a cup of chocolate frappe. After I paid for it, I carried my tray to my table. Suddenly a man bumped into me, causing my drink to spill on the man's shirt.

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