High on Victory

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Kageyama x Hinata

by Yrya-chan



During their 2nd year of high school, the Karasuno team participated in a tournament for the national qualifications.
After some hard encounters, they eventually won all their matches, and were especially happy after the very last match.

Weirdly enough, after the match, Hinata suddenly felt the need to rush to the toilet (it generally happened before). Kageyama found it really odd and decided to follow him, to make sure he was okay.


As he opened the door of the bathroom, Tobio found Shouyo hunched over weirdly; he heard him muttering "shit!".

"What are you doing, weirdo?" Kageyama asked, his head cocked to the side, an eyebrow raised.

Hinata shrieked in surprise; "n-nothing! Go away!" he exclaimed, bent forward, not turning around to face his teammate.

Tobio felt irritated and grabbed the boy by the shoulder to make him turn around.

"Oi! You shrimp..."

"No!" Hinata yelled, shrinking away to the far end of the bathroom.

Kageyama cornered him, blocking his way.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" He made him turn around, with more force this time.

The two boys were now facing each other. Hinata lowered his head, his hands were covering his crotch area. "Ngh!"

Kageyama forced Hinata's hands off his crotch and lifted them up. As he thought, a bulge was apparent under the fabric of the boy's shorts.

"Are you having a boner right now?"

Hinata jumped, looking slightly up and blushing.

"M-maybe..." he muttered.

"Did winning that match make you that excited?" Kageyama smirked.

"I-! It's not my fault! I don't know why..." Hinata retorted, looking straight up at Tobio, a desperate look on his face.

"..." Kageyama cocked his head to the side. "There's nothing to be ashamed of, though..."

"Huh? But isn't it weird...? I mean..."

"I've had a hard on after a match before too, it's not that uncommon." Tobio shrugged.

"Uh? Really?! That's great then!" Hinata smiled, reassured. "Well I'm going back then!"

He starts walking away to the door with big strides.

"Hey! You're really gonna stay like this?" Tobio asked in disbelief.

Hinata stopped on the spot, and looked down at the bulge, still present and quite visible.


Kageyama sighed. He took a few steps a grabbed Hinata's wrist again.

"W-what are you...?!" Hinata started.

But he had no time to finish his sentence, as Tobio dragged him in the nearest toilet booth.


He slammed the boy against the wall. Hinata looked up at him, baffled.

"Come on, do it, moron! We don't have much time before we have to leave!"

"Huh? H-here?! But..." Shouyo hesitated.

High on Victory (Kageyama x Hinata) ☑Where stories live. Discover now