The day They Settled

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This chapter will contain spoilers of the end of the manga. so if you only watch the anime and don't want to be spoiled, I suggest closing this page NOW! ;)


Kageyama and Hinata had been dating for a while now; and they were now also part of the Japanese National team for the Olympics. so they could pretty much be together all they wanted, and they really enjoyed that.

As the Olympics approached, an idea grew in Hinata's mind:

He wanted to settle in with Tobio and possibly move in with him, since they only spent time at each other's apartment, alternating the place.

Hinata was a little apprehensive about the whole thing, and decided to only bring the question once the Olympics were done.

In the end, the Japanese team lost in the semi-final against the Brazilian team, finishing their Olympic games at fourth place. They were all sad of course, but also really proud to have participated in such a big event and representing their country.

The whole team went out to a reward/consolation diner. And as they were eating and drinking, Hinata asked Kageyama to make himself available afterwards.


Both Hinata and Kageyama were a bit tipsy when they exited the taxi that had brought them back to Hinata's apartment building. Hinata quietly took Tobio's hand and let him up the stairs and inside his flat.

Once inside and comfortably seated on the couch, Hinata shyly said:

"So um, I was planning on asking you something only if we won the Olympics but... well.."

Kageyama looked at him, worried, "What is it?" he asked, placing a hand on Hinata's knee.

After hesitating a few seconds, Hinata rummaged through his pockets and took out a small box. He turned to completely face Kageyama and extended his hand to him.

"Here, I- um... tell me what you think."

Tobio looked at Hinata all confused. He grabbed the box and slowly opened it:

Inside was a key, surrounded by a couple of matching rings.

Kageyama's eyes widened. His eyes shot back up at Hinata, who scratched the back of his head, blushing.

"Y-you know... We have been together a while now, so I thought... I don't know... that we could um... li-live together or something...?" Hinata stammered.

He averted his gaze and continued: "B-But you don't have to accept if you don't want to, I would totally understand!"

It took a few seconds for Hinata's words to settle inside Kageyama's brain. And when they did, a crimson shade of red reached his cheeks and ears.

Tobio lowered his gaze to the rings and keys still in his hands and gulped. He seized the bigger ring and, with a shaky hand, slipped it on his middle finger.

"Of course I want to, silly..." Tobio mumbled with a pout.

He looked up at Hinata, cupped his face with both hands and kissed him softly.

"Give me your hand."

Taking Shouyou's small hand into his, he put the second ring around his finger. He squeezed the shaky hand as they gazed at each other.

"Do you want to see it?" Hinata suddenly asked. "The apartment I mean?"

Kageyama's face lit up, "Of course!"

High on Victory (Kageyama x Hinata) ☑Where stories live. Discover now