Chapter 10: The End

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Simon called Dave and told him what happened to Alvin. After a while later, Dave, Theodor and the Chipettes arrived. At first they were happy to see Alvin okay, but it disappeared as Dave was very upset with the elder chipmunk.

Dave: Okay, I hope you're ready to give me some explanations, and you better not hide anything on me, Or you'll be grounded!

Simon: Dave! You can't ground him because he wasn't feeling good.

Dave: But, Simon, you know well I hate secrets. Look at your brother's condition if he didn't hide anything from me, we all wouldn't be here.

Simon: No Dave, if he told all of you that he saved me from a horrific relationship, you would ground me, I would be mad at him and perhaps he wouldn't survive because I wouldn't be able to save him because of my punishment!

Dave: *Confused* Hold up, horrific relationship?

Simon explained everything to Dave.

Dave: So that's all what happened, Alvin saved you from a trickster named Brenda, you didn't hear him and he ended up trying to end his-...

Alvin: Uh, Dave? I didn't do that. I mean, yes I ran out and mistakenly lost my way, when I tried to come back a big stray dog chased me to the forest. I guess that I hit my chest with something sharp, which caused me to get injured.

Dave: Oh okay, Alvin, next time tell me what happens. And Simon, try to understand the situation first before you judge, next time nobody knows what could happen.

Alvin: Is he grounded?

Dave: I am afraid not, you don't seem to like the idea of punishing your brother. You are not grounded either after I knew what you've been through for your brother.

Theodor: Dave? When will Alvin come back home?

Dave: I assume he'll stay here for a week or two. Let's just go and let him rest, Simon wanna come?

Simon: I'll stay here for a while.

As the others wished Alvin to get well and left, there was only two brothers in the room.

Alvin: Why didn't you tell him the other story?

Simon: I am not an idiot to break my vow, Alvin.

Alvin: Well, I am a tattletale, so I could tell anyone-... *Depressed* I also would sell you easily as I did that time when you wanted to be the school's president. And I- *Shedding out tears*

Simon: Alvin... Why are you telling me all of that?

Alvin: I finally understand why you all lose your minds because of me, because I am not a good person... And I will never be...

Simon: *Guilty* You may be annoying, but that doesn't mean that we are safe from making mistakes. I get irresponsible from a time to another. Like the day I told Dave not to go with you on a weekend, I knew that you are a wild one but I didn't think that you needed to have a father-son time with Dave just like Theodor and I do. So-...

Alvin: okay, I get it. Yet I still don't know why do you care about me, even though I am not a good person.

Simon: Alvin, you're my brother and I will love you with your good and bad things inside. Cause after what I saw in you, I know how much you care, and I rather have a troublemaker brother with a big heart than a heartless, ego "perfect" brother.

Alvin: Like the lap dog, BH?

Simon: *Chuckles* Yup, I don't think that anyone would love that guy as a brother.

Alvin: I am glad to have you as a brother.

Simon: And I am glad as well, even with our differences, we are from the same flesh and blood. And I like it that way.

Alvin: I like it the same.

With the two brothers gave each other a big bro hug, we conclude our story.

We shall meet again in a brand new stories, feel free to say anything about this story.

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Until next time, stay safe wherever you are.

MetalSoul Out.

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