Chapter 20- Help

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A/N: up above is Jonathan after the pregnancy XD.......

Jonathan's POV:

I woke up to my body sore, every day I was used as a punching bag. It's way better than being taken advantage of. I rubbed the swelling on my ankle and remembered what the older man had told me. "My name is Mr. Ashton, you will live here and earn me money until you drop dead from a random disease. You can make your little friends with the girls, but if you make any trouble, you'll be a body floating in the river. Go to sleep, when you wake up, meet everyone in the dining hall".

I took a cold shower and changed into the thong, sweatpants, tanktop, and off the shoulder green t-shirt that was on the bed when I got out. I started to walk, their were several rooms close to mine. They all connected to the same hallway, I followed it to the dining hall. I stood by the wall eerily. A girl that looked way older than me, like in her 70s called me to a table she was at.

"Hey sweetcheeks, want to come to my room tonight?" I shook my head and felt my hair be grabbed. "Good morning young Jonathan, go over to the boys table and stop talking to these sluts". I whimpered and nodded, going to a table of guys that looked in their 20s.

Sebastian's POV:

I turned away from my table, wondering when Jonathan will get back from his friends houses. My office door flew open, standing there were his 5 best friends, no mate. "Where's my Mate?" "We thought you had him". I growled very loudly and rubbed my temples. "Do you know where the 3 terrors are?" "Again, we thought you had them".


I got punched in the arm when I told them about what happened. "So she kicked you in the head. While you were brain dead Jonathan disappeared. Not suspicious at all?" I thought about it for a second, "Sandy, get in here! It's very important".

She came rushing into the room, "Yes babe?... Who are all of these people?" Jayla threw her hands over Michael's mouth and stopped him from having a very smart and disrespectful comeback. "They're my friends, anyways, can I borrow your second phone? Mine isn't working because it's updating". She nodded and gave me her phone, leaving the room.

We wrote down all of her contacts and then shut it down, giving it back to her. "Guys call each number and see what is what. Savanna you sit down and just think". A/N: She's blind, so she doesn't have a phone.


We have 2 phone numbers that we came to a conclusion on. The first was to a whore house ran by her brother. The second was to a drug dealership ran by her, she supplies the drugs wow. We should call the cops on the drug dealership and then go to the whore house.


"Why do I have to wear a skirt?! I can't see, now you're punishing me by making me wear a skirt?!" Mary made sure Savanna stayed in the skirt as we put the guns in their holsters. This is because when we did research, we found out that they have guards, really ninja? I wore shorts and a t-shirt. Our guns were hidden in our clothes. Everyone got a gun but the visually impaired Savanna.

"Mission Life Save is to Go!"

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