Episode 2: A New Hope?

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Episode 2: A New Hope?


"It's not like we can do anything anyway!", yells Kurimatsu, frustrated. "We couldn't even stop them from taking the captain!"

The players look at the small defender with wide eyes at his outburst, before they lowered their heads in agreement.

"I hate to say it...but deep down...I agree with him..." Kidou thinks as his teeth clench together in a clear sign of pent up anger.

The entire Raimon team looked defeated. They hadn't even played a match but lost something so important to them, that they became fragile and withered into pieces.

"Wow...Is this really the legendary Raimon, we've been hearing about? A sad bunch of kids in soccer jerseys?" A cold voice echoed throughout the field.


The Raimon soccer players' eyes went wide as the unfamiliar voice danced around the field.

They shifted their heads to look at the uninvited party.

There stood a young girl that appeared to be the same age as the soccer players on the field. She had raven black hair and wore pale skin. Her cloudy grey eyes were emotionless and gave a mysterious aura. Her clothes bore a dark purple theme as if to scream that she was a fan of more mysterious colors. All in all, everything about her was suspicious and that didn't settle well with the Raimon team. They had enough of unknown people to last them a lifetime.

"What did you just say?" Someoka glares at the new arrival with disdain.

"What you're deaf now too?" The young girl smirked, an odd, but mischevious, glint in her eye that even Kidou could not understand. It threw him off and put him on guard. He didn't like this person one bit.

"You little- "Someoka starts before being interrupted by the ace flame striker of the team.

"Who are you? And what do you want?" Gouenji had been feeling off since the first time this girl had walked onto the field. It was a feeling that he got when confronted by the very same team that took their captain. He had been asking those two questions way too often then he had liked lately.

"Forget about me...We're here to help you."

"Help...us?" Kazemaru repeats in confusion.

"We?" Gouenji asks suspiciously, he had met too many unfamiliar people recently and didn't trust strangers as much as would've in the past, not after, what happened to Endou.

The girl merely smirked and kicked a stray soccer ball in Gouenji' s direction. Without even putting that much effort into the kick, the ball zipped across the field straight towards him.

The said soccer player barely managed to stop the ball with his chest before letting it fall to the ground and putting his foot over the top of the ball to steady it and himself.

He didn't want to admit it out loud, but whoever this girl was....she was the real deal.

The next thing the striker knew, the ball laying under his feet, disappeared in a blink of an eye, Gouenji, in shock almost fell completely forward before catching himself.

"Yeup! We are here to help you!" Calls out, yet another voice from behind him.

Gouenji snaps his head around to see a young man, about his age, kicking up and down the soccer ball that Raimon's ace had just had, seconds before.

The boy had golden hair, that stuck out in every direction and brown eyes, that seemed to light up as he played with the soccer ball. He looked like a foreigner but spoke Japanese very fluently. He almost reminded the young striker of his captain that had been lost just recently.

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