Episode 6: For the Future

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---------------------------------------------------------(Previously on The Tainted Soccer)

The managers couldn't help but get excited too.

"Well then! I guess this means we can make curry tonight for dinner if everyone helps!" Aki announced, making the team cheer louder.

"Curry??!!" Akira exclaimed, grinning, stars were practically dancing in his eyes. And he wasn't the only one, Kabeyama and the other curry lovers were right there next to them with the exact same expression.

Coach Hibiki felt a small twinge in his chest as he watched them with a smile. He narrowed his eyes and sighed. His health was deteriorating these days. And with the state the Raimon team was in right now....he couldn't bring himself to leave them.

'But at this rate...'

He looked over at Ryoko who was smirking at the Raimon team.


'Just Maybe....'


Endou was always a positive one. The one who brought the balance to the friend group. But as he was falling deeper and deeper to the thoughts of it. It became harder and harder to maintain his once optimistic personality.

The brunette was sitting on the metal floor, physically his bruises started to fade and cuts started to heal. But mentally, his mind was a mess.

But he was okay.

He would be fine.

The thought of the Raimon team and his beloved friends of the past came to mind. He would be absolutely okay. He knew they would come for him after all.

He just needed some assurance. The darker side of him demanded that he have some evidence that his friends would come for him.


The metal door to his room- no, Prison, slid open.

His scarlet eyes looked up to meet just the girl who he was looking forward to speaking to.

She would give him the assurance he needed.

"Endou..." Her scarlet eyes held pity for the goalkeeper. She worried for him.

"Don't worry Misaki. I'm fine. Now tell me. Are they okay? What's going on?" Despite his current situation, Endou still worried for his friends. Misaki couldn't help but admire that. She released a sigh, realizing that the true Endou deep inside wouldn't change.

"Goodness, you'd ought to worry about yourself more." She smiled a sad genuine smile. Endou smirked, the bags under his eyes gave away the struggle he was going through, but he refused to show it on his face.

"Don't worry, Ryoko went to them as planned. She brought one with her though...a blondie. He's an arrogant one. I don't know how much help he'll be." She folded her arms and looked to the corner of the room a scowl on her face. She never truly did trust Ryoko.

Endou's eyes widened before they settled from the shock.

"Aki...So she took my advice." He whispered, voicing his thoughts. 'She changed...that Ryoko.'

"What did you say?" The other questioned, her head tilted.

Endou shook his head, a smile on his ghostly features.

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