6) Anne expecting

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It was July and it was the first anniversary for Anne and Richard being husband and wife. Richard was away for a couple of months now and Anne felt so alone in Middleham Castle, she only had her ladies's company, and sewing and chattering all day was boring after a while, just a couple of times she managed to go outside in the garden, but not for much time.

She badly wanted a child, she could have a part of Richard always with her and she didn't wanted to disappoint Richard, he had given up so much to marry her. But it wasn't easy to conceive though, since her husband spent little time with her at their home, duty called him and that duty was mainly Edward, his brother the King. But everytime they were together, they barely left their chamber.

Outside of it he rarely showed affection to her, because he didn't wanted servants to have something to speak of, but how wrong he was by doing so!

Her ladies always told her that everyone tended to fantasize on their life since they were so reserved. Of course Anne should have them punished or the servants for talking of them in those terms, but she didn't, it almost made her giggles and blushing.

She was walking with two of her favourite ladies, Margaret and Anne, they were chatting and it was a lovely day.

"When Sir Lionel will be back?" Anne asked to Margaret and, as he expected, she blushed. She knew everything of those girls and she liked to tease them sometimes. She was laughing when she felt suddenly ill.

The two girls noticed and they helped her to get into the castle.

She woke up in her bed, her hair untied and she was in her nightgown. Nan, was there, waiting probably for her to wake up.

"Lady Anne, you fainted while we were walking..." She said, worried.

Anne sat up and smiled, ut she felt a little weak.

"It's allright, Nan, I'm fine... Am I?"
Nan was smiling "You are, my lady...The Duke will be very pleased" She told Anne and it took several seconds for her to understand the meaning of that phrase. When she got it, she touched her belly, almost crying for happiness.

It felt so right for her being with child in that moment, They waited a year, but would have been the perfect gift to Richard for their anniversary. She started to pray for it to be a boy, so her husband would have already an heir.

She couldn't wait to tell him the good news, but wasn't sure if Richard was coming home soon, she wanted to send him a message, but he would have worried for nothing, she knew very well her husband and she smiled at the thought of him worried, he loved her very much.

One morning, the exact date of their anniversary, after being sick in the early hours, she heard the guards outside announcing the coming of the Duke.

Anne jumped off the chair she was seated on and walked fast outside to greet him. He was dismounting from his horse when she got out.

"My Lady" He said, holding back a wide smile. He got on his knees, kissing her hand and then they went inside, with everyone's eyes on them, knowing where they were heading.

As soon as they entered Anne's chamber, their chamber, he kissed her on the mouth, showing her how much he missed her. He was ready to unlace her dress, when she stopped him.

Richard was confused by her reaction and looked at her worried, "Are you unwell, my Lady?" He asked, cupping her face in his hands and Anne felt a shiver for his warm hands on her skin, then she took them in hers.

"My Lord... Richard, today is our anniversary." She told him and Richard relaxed, smiling too.

"I know, that is why I was about to undress you, my love."

Anne smiled, blushing also, and played a little with his hands. "Do you have a gift for me, my love?" She asked and Richard sighed, quite impatient. He couldn't wait to be with his wife for all the trip, and he didn't even took a break along the way, and she was preventing it.

"Of course I have, but I wanted to lay with you firs-" He tried to say, but she insisted.

"Why don't we exchange our gifts now? So we can stay in bed more" She proposed and Richard arched his eyebrow.

"Fine." He said, and he took out of the little bag he had on his belt, a necklace. He held it up for her to see it and Anne smiled amazed by it. He could always find the finest jewelry for her.

"Turn around, my lady." He said and Anne did so. He put around her neck the piece of jewelry, she shivered at the touch of his hands close to her neck, it was the right moment to speak about the big news.

"I'm with child, Richard"

There was a sudden silence right after she spoke and that worried Anne, but then, when she turned again to him, he had teary eyes.

"Richard, is it alright?" She asked, now she was worried. It couldn't make him sad a new like this and tried to touch his cheek with her hand, but Richard reached out for her belly with his hands before she could and he got on his knees. He then kissed it softly and hugged her wait delicately.

"Anne, you made me a happy man twice." He said and Anne started to caress his hair, trying to not cry too.

When he was on his feet again, he kissed her more passionately.

"Who knows?" He asked, stopping the kiss and full of eagerness. Now his only wish was to be in bed with her, love her and hold her close to him.

"Just Nan and Margaret." She told him, smiling. It was inevitable that they knew, they were with her when she discovered it.

He smiled, "We won't announce it for a couple of days."

"Why?" She asked, not understanding why they would keep it secret.

"It is a sin to lay while you are with child, my love" He reminded her. Anne nodded, it was true and it was the only negative part of her condition.

"Well... I guess we will confess more than usual for sometime." She smirked and Richard arched his eyebrow again.

He was a loyal servant of God and the Church, but Anne was his weakness. He couldn't resist her.

Richard took again the laces of her dress and took it off her. Anne untied her hair, she knew Richard preferred it to be like this. Then he took her to bed, and it was different. Anne was used to Richard's care during their lovemaking, but now, that she was with child, he had a lot more of consideration for her. She accepted it, because she knew it could have been dangerous for their child, or why would it be a sin then?

They kissed for most of the act and then she lied with her head on his shoulder, Richard's hand was on her belly.

"I love you, Anne" He said.

"I love you, too, Richard."

They kissed again and Anne fell asleep while Richard couldn't close his eyes, was too worried for them. He started to think about what often happened to women when they were with child. He couldn't lose Anne, not even to save their child.

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