Chapter 12

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Clementine's POV

I was staring at the snow until I heard a branch crack. I thought it was a walker, but it wasn't. It was the governor I think that's what Carl calls him.

"The governor is watching us" I whispered to Carl.

"Come on let's go back inside" Carl said

We hurried to the prison.

"Dad" Carl shouted

"What" Rick said

"Clementine saw the governor" Carl said

"You saw him Clem?" Rick asked me

"Yes" I said.

"What was he doing"

"I think he was just watching us"

"If he attacks do you remember what to do." Rick asked

"Get the kids, Hershel, Carol,and,Beth." I said

"Good you do remember"

"I gotta go talk to Beth see ya later" Rick said and walked away.

"I'm gonna go find Sam do you want to come with" I asked Carl


We walked around and looked for Sam.

"Sam" I yelled

"Sam" I Called for him again

"Sam" he finally came.

"Hey boy" I said petting Sam.

"Did you have any animals before the apocalypse " Carl asked

"I had a pet hamster and a goldfish named peanut. Did you have any animals."I asked

"I don't remember " Carl said

-A few hours later-

Me and Carl walked back to our cell. I was tired because it was late.

Sam greeted us when we walked in.

We put our hats on the desk and laid down. Sam jumped on the bunk with us.

"What are you doing" Carl said to Sam

"He's fine he can sleep with us" I defended Sam

"Alright" Carl kissed my forehead.



I woke up it was daylight. Carl was still sleeping I didn't want to wake him, so I was quiet. I got up ,and put my hat on. For some reason I wanted to go outside, so I did. I walked outside and I saw a man by the fence. He looked familiar for some reason. Then I realized who he was. It was Lee.

I ran up to the fence.

"Lee is that you" I cried.

"Its me sweet pea"

"But how are you still alive I shot you so you wouldn't turn to a walker".

"Well you missed. The army came and killed the walkers. They found the cure so they healed me. Then I came looking for you. I love you Clem".

"I love you to Lee"

"I'm so happy that your here" I said

"Me to"

Just then I heard a gunshot. The governor shot Lee in the head.

I fell to my knees and started crying.

I then woke up .

It was all a dream. A nightmare. Why does my mind have to mess with me. I miss Lee I wish he was here.

I fell back asleep.

The next morning

I woke up to gunshots lots of them.

"Carl get up"

"Get up"

He got up "what's happening"

"I think someone's attacking"

"The governor " Carl said

"Let's go" we both said. We grabbed our stuff and Carl went to fight and I went to do my job.

I went to go find Beth,Hershel,Carol,and the kids.

I found Beth.

"Get everyone to the bus " she said


I found everyone but Carol,and Hershel.

"Go to the bus" I said to the others.

They ran to the bus.

I hustled outside and saw Carol fighting and Hershel by the governor. Michonne was by him to.

"Oh Shit" I whispered.

Rick was talking to the governor.

I looked for Carl then it happened. All hell broke loose. Hershel was decapitated. Beth and Maggie were crying and shooting. I grabbed a gun and started shooting.

After the fight

We were all split up. I was with Duck,Carl,Kenny,Sam,and Rick.

Rick was beaten pretty bad. We had to find a place for him to rest.

We kept looking for a place until we came across a bar or at least that's what I think it was. Carl and Kenny went in and looked for some stuff.

"You're brave" I said to Rick

"Its a leaders job to be brave" he faintly said.

"Ya" I agreed

They walked out with two bags of food.

"Ready" Carl said

I nodded

We walked to a town and looked for a house. We found one. We waked in and looked for walkers.

"Clear down here" I said

"There might be one upstairs"Rick said 

Carl started hitting the wall and he was swearing.

"Swear" I whispered so no one could hear me.

"If their was one it would've came out" Carl said.

Carl tied the a knot on the door and Rick pushed the couch in front of the door.

"Dad don't " Carl said

"That knot won't hold" Rick said

"Ya it will. Shane taught me how to do it. Remember him." Carl yelled

"I remember him every day" Rick shouted

"Come on Carl let's go upstairs" I said

We walked up the stairs and checked the rooms. Kenny and duck left. They went to look for supplies.

"Find anything" Carl asked

"No" I answered 

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