01 | The Maid

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"No offense but... your mother is crazy," said Saenarae's bodyguard and best friend.

The young woman was applying dirt on her face and her clothes so that the story that she was a slave was more credible.

"You don't offend me, it's the truth,"she said finishing her costume and sighed looking up the sky. "What will become of me?"

The boy looked at her smiling and prepared the cart in which she would go to Arthdal, everything was perfectly planned and calculated by the queen, who claimed to had a dream where her daughter was in charge of "saving the world" and those three people were in the Union. Of course, no one believed her at all, in the kingdom she had the reputation of being a little... insane, but nobody said anything because if the did, they would be behead instantly.

"If I were you, I would have already left the kingdom."

"Believe me, I've already thought about it, but you would soon find me."

"Good point," he said, helping Saenarae to get into the cart. "And in any case... I would never allow you to escape."

The princess looked at him amused. "And why not?"


The bodyguard couldn't continue because at that time the other guards and slaves who went to Arthdal arrived. So both had to leave the conversation for when she returned from her mission.

Saenarae was already used to doing that kind of things, her mother always ordered her to seduce men to get information, go spying to other tribes and had also ordered to kill people before, but that was with the help of her bodyguard. This time, she would have to do it alone.

"Hey, take care of yourself, please," said the boy.

"Of course, don't worry. I'll be back soon," she answered, confident. "Don't forget."

He smiled not very convinced about that. Since he knew about the mission he had a bitter taste in his mouth and it was as if he had a weight on his shoulders; He have a bad feeling.

They hugged for the last time and the cart left for Arthdal. As they got closer, the nerves became more and more present in her, the confidence she felt or herself vanished almost immediately as she left the kingdom. Now she would be in unknown territory, with unknown people and an uncertain future. To make the things worse, she had to act like a silly maid.

She decided to sleep a little because last night she couldn't, preparing for everything that was coming.

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Taealha woke up with a gasp and quickly sat down in the bed. "What had that been?" She wondered. An idea crossed her mind but that was impossible, because only Igutu and Neanthal are able to dream, and she was only a simple human.

She got up and walked to a small table where there was a jar with alcohol and poured himself a little, drinking it all in one gulp. She turned to look in the mirror and realized that she looked horrible, she was pale and had dark circles that even the makeup couldn't hide.

He poured another little liquor and went to the window to breathe some fresh air. The words of that... man? She didn't know how to call him because his voice sounded like he was much younger than she was, but not so young as to be a child. Anyway, the conversation they had was repeated over and over in her head accompanied by intense chills.

"Protect them or die" that phrase had completely frozen her. She didn't even know who she should take care of. The sword, the bell and the mirror? That was just a legend, and in any case, how was she to know who they were?

Taealha was startled when the door was opened by Hae Tuak.

"I'm sorry, did I scare you?" she apologized bowing.

"No, don't worry," she said, shocking her head. Tuak let out a sigh of relief and then she squinted.

"You look terrible. Did something bad happen to you?" The look that Taealha gave to her served to keep her silent for a moment, you should never tell that to a woman. After a few seconds she remembered the reason for she had come to see her. "Oh! I almost forgot, the slaves of Daneul have arrived."

"Okay, I'm going to get ready and then we'll go."

Tuak nodded and left the room to wait outside. After a few long minutes his lady finished and both went to the carts that had arrived from that kingdom.

Ahhh... a kingdom. Taealha wished with all her might to turn the Union into a kingdom, but she had to be patient and plan a strategy with Tagon, although after that dream she didn't know if she should trust him.

When they arrived the place, they examined all the slaves but none attracted their attention, so the seller persuaded them a little.

"Let me help you. This girl is a very good candidate, she's young, beautiful healthy and energetic, she would be a very good maid."

Taealha looked at her for a good while. She was looking for someone to attend and watch over Saya, and she didn't know if it would be a good idea to put a woman almost his age in charge. However she decided to take a risk, in any case she could kill her if she does something wrong.

She took a small leather bag full of jewelry from one of the pockets of her coat and handed it to the seller. Then she left without waiting for Hae Tuak and the girl.

They reached the tower where Saya was hiding and when they entered, he immediately got out of bed and bowed, looking curiously at the strange young woman.

"Saya, she will be your maid from now, you can train her as you wish."

The young man seemed confused. "A maid? I don't need it..."

Taealha stared at him implying that it wasn't optional.

"Okay... Taealha-nim," he said approaching her. "When can I go out again?"

She smiled and took Saya's face in her hands, but as she did, she felt a stabbing pain in her stomach and moaned, falling to the floor.

"Lady Taealha!" said Tuak, helping her to stand up.

"What was that? What's going on?" she thought as she regained her composure. "Maybe it could be...?"

"I'll take you to your room."

"No, no, I can go alone, I'm fine."

Hae Tuak released her so she could leave and stayed with the maid and Saya, after all she still had to train that slave.

Taealha continued with that discomfort and was now accompanied by nausea, she felt weak and thought that at any moment she would collapse on the floor again. She barely arrived her room and the first thing she did was lie on the bed while she was writhing in pain. "What's happening to me?"

»You already found one, Taealha. Well done.

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