Chapter 10

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10 - Out of Character

10 - Out of Character

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Nola's POV

Days went by, and the same thing would happen. Anya and that girl would meet up, get something to eat, or they'd end up hanging out.

They are always together! I fucking hate it.

I stared at them with a resting bitch face.

I wish I could beat her ass, and threaten her life if she thought about talking to Anya again.

But I can't do that.

"Nola!?" Someone called, pulling me from the malicious thoughts in my mind.

"You drinking with us tonight or you bailing again?" Some girl asked me with a pout.

"Sure." I responded, still watching Anya.

I felt somewhat content as I imagined me with Anya, instead of that whack ass bitch.

But it was short-lived as I came back to reality, sighing deeply in dissatisfaction.

Why the fuck does she have to be around Anya that fucking much?

That should be me.

Once we were dismissed, I watched Anya leave with that girl and I went with my friends.

The day of the photoshoot, I followed them to the park where they planned on doing it.

I knew that, because I happened to overhear her little girlfriend saying that over the phone...

It's not like I'm stalking them or anything.

Curiosity got the best of me, so here I am.

Fuck... I been doing a bunch of weird ass shit lately because of Anya.

"You finish changing?" I heard that girl ask Anya.

I don't know much about her except she's majoring in photography. I don't even know her name. So, I'm going to call her... Irrelevance.

Anya appeared, and I saw her in a whole other light. She was glowing, looking like a angel.

You know... like those slow motion scenes in movies when the main character sees their crush.

My heart was beating fast and I cussed it out silently at how gay it was being.

"I ain't take long, did I?" Anya asked her.

"So what if you did?" I scowled silently.

"Nah, you look great." Irrelevance said, and I suck my teeth loudly at her corny ass.

Irrelevance started her bougie photoshoot but I was mainly focused on Anya the entire time.

She looked so damn good...

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