Everybody loves an orgin story

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It was a summer night and Ahmya and her parents had just gotten back from dinner. Life seemed great, her only problem was the injustice of naptime. But little did she know that soon her problems would be much greater.

Her mother carried her inside and tucked her in. " Goodnight my little princess." her Mother kissed her forehead and turned off the light. Oh what Ahmya would give for that to be the last memory of her mom, but sadly it was not.

She woke up in the middle of the night, the room felt like fire and it was. Ahmya looked up to see a fire burning from one end of the hallway.

" MOMMA!" she screamed in fear as she ran down the almost untouched side of the hallway to her parent's room, but it was too late.

Somehow a separate fire had started and when she opened the door she saw her Mother's body on fire like a human torch and her father screaming as the fire crept up his leg.

" MOMMA! PAPA!" she screamed in fear as the fire neared closer to her on both sides of the hall.

the heat burned away her home and her tears.


she sobbed as they quit moving and screaming. the fire started to spread out of their room and the one in the hallway was close to burning Ahmya to a crisp. if her mother and father couldn't make it out alive, she would. she ran to the only untouched part of the house, the kitchen. She knew that there was a back door that lead to an alleyway in the kitchen so she ran as fast as her shaking body would take her.

She had forgotten about the nail sticking up from the floorboard about three feet from the door. she ran before tripping over her PJ pants landing on the nail. She sat there in shock, adrenaline running through her veins. The girl pushed herself up and crawled towards the door.

As she reached the door the adrenaline wore off and she felt something drip down her cheek. She stopped reaching toward her eye. She felt two drops on her hand and she looked down to see blood dripping on her hand and running off onto the floor. The pain started to kick in and she let out the loudest scream she could. She dragged herself forward as the tears from her right eye mixed with the blood from her left eye. when she reached the alley she started screaming for help, but over the crackling of the flames and the sirens from the firetrucks, nobody could hear her.


Two days had passed by and she sat in the alley her face a red tear-stained mess and her left eye caked in dried blood. She was silently sitting behind a dumpster. She had screamed her voice raw and now she could only make groans as the pain from her eye continued to pound her down. She felt like giving up and just dying right behind that dumpster. Her home was reduced to ash, her parents were dead, and she had no family to go to. Her tiny hand moved over to her eye again and she felt the crusty dried blood break off a bit.


She spent a few hours leaning against a brick wall still in the same place she felt herself slipping in and out of consciousness like she had done the night of the incident. Her head felt like a boulder and she kept leaning down and forcing herself back. Then she saw it, or rather him. A figure at the end of the alley. Mya managed to scramble up a bit and she tried to yell but all that came out was a quiet croak. She tried again and she made a slightly louder groan that made the figure turn his towards her. Of course, the sight was gruesome. A small child covered in soot and blood reaching her small hand out for help.

Even with her blurred vision, she could make a make out a few key features of the boy that was rushing towards her. He had powdery blue hair and red eyes and was ghostly pale. Ahmya could tell he was trying to talk to her but everything was quiet, probably because she was trying to process everything, and then black.


By this point, Tomura had managed to scoop Mya up without the risk of activating his quirk. He knew he had limited time to help her and he wasn't even 100% sure she was even alive anymore.

He ignored the stares and curious looks from other people and he finally made it home. They were nowhere near a hospital and he'd need his dad (All for one for simplicity) to drive there. He was practically trying to pound the door down with his free hand. All for One opened the door to see the panicked teen holding the unconscious child. He wasn't phased at all and he calmly questioned him. "What happened here?"

Tomura's words scrambled like an egg as he tried to explain. "Blood and, and... she was in the alley." He was panicking and could barely form a sentence. He felt the weight of the limp child in his arms and he finally managed to form a sentence. "She needs to go to the ER!" All for One reluctantly agreed and he was willing to drive her to Dr.Garaki.

"So where are her parents?" AFO asked looking back at Tomura to see him stroking the mess that was her black ponytail and mumbling to her.

"I don't know, she was just in an alley!" He was obviously panicked and wondering why AFO wasn't more concerned about the situation. Neither of them knew how long she had been out in that alley for and to top it off it was obvious she was severely injured.


When Ahmya eventually regained consciousness she realized she was in a bed and actually alive. She moved her hand over to her eye again and instead of feeling a deep pit where the socket was and dried blood under it she felt normal clean skin and what felt like stitches holding her eye shut. She tried to remember what happened and how she got there but all she could remember was reaching out towards the boy with powdery blue hair. She looked around her hospital room to see there was nothing of note really, just bleak white walls and a large window with its curtains drawn. Her confused state of questioning was interrupted when a nurse walked into her room.

"Oh, you're finally awake! How does the eye feel sweetie?"

Ahmya managed to let out a quiet and timid "Sore." her voice was crackly and it hurt her to talk for too long. "How long was I asleep?"

"Only a few days, you lost a lot of blood so try to take things easy for now." The nurse stayed in her room for a bit explaining a few things to her including why her eye was sewn shut.


The time had finally come for Ahmya to leave the hospital. Her eye was healed and still a bit strange for her to get used to and everything still hurt from the jump into the alleyway but she was ready to see what would happen.

The same nurse that had been taking care of her all week was walking her out and helping her use the crutches she was given so she could hobble her way to the waiting room. Sitting there in the lobby area was the boy with blue hair and another man who was tall and seemed scary to such a small child. She watched from afar while Dr.Garaki spoke to the other tall man. The younger boy gave her a small awkward wave and she gave one back.

A few minutes passed and Dr.Garaki handed a packet of papers to AFO and waved him off. The nurse who was still standing with Mya led her to the other two. She felt her heart thump harder as she neared the strangers as she was not one for social interaction. She focused on trying to get over to them with her uncomfortable crutches and jelly legs but when she did she finally took in how tall AFO was. She had to tilt her head up just to see his face. She just stared at him as he put the papers under his arm and thanked the nurse and doctor.

He knelt down to Amhya's level and she slightly flinched. Of course, AFO didn't react and he just acted like this was an everyday occurrence. He went on to tell Ahmya that she would be under his care now since she really had nowhere to go. She learned that he went by All For One but she could call him dad If she wanted too and the boy went by Tomura. She stayed pretty quiet the entire time letting out small "yup"'s and "Ok"'s.

With that, the three left the hospital and Tomura helped Amya make her way to the car.

A/N sorry for the error I write all of my chapters in google docs so they save and when I copied pasted there was an error. Also, I have been dealing with a lot in my life and I'm working on professionally publishing a book so I will get back on my Wattpad stories! Also, stay tuned for my book!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2022 ⏰

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