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Means "Butterfly" in Spanish

Shortened is "Mary", which happens to be her mother's name

But it could also be shortened to "Posie" meaning "pretty bouquet-of-flowers"

I look around the room at everyone dressed in designer clothes and smiles plastered on their faces

I can't stand it

I was dragged her by my friend Maddie, who's dad was a big time record label owner

That's why I'm currently surrounded by douché bag music wannabes who think that by flirting with me that their music dreams will come true

"You know I'm not Mr. Connor's daughter right? She's over there."

I said holding the bridge of my nose and pointing to Maddie who was being talked up by another group of boys

They distributed themselves along the room waiting to catch her attention, leaving me alone

"Thank god." I sighed while pulling out a chair to sit in at our reserved table waiting for Maddie to brush off the boys that she clearly wasn't interested in

I still have no idea how I got dragged here

All I know is that Maddie REALLY wants to play match maker tonight and thinks a musician will be my perfect match

The thought of all the awkward conversations to come made my head hurt

Ryan, Maddie's dad, made his way to the table touching my shoulder to get my attention

"I have an important call to take right now, can you please let Maddie know that her car has been dropped off in the parking lot?"

"Yeah, no worries" I said getting up to part the sea of boys who I couldn't tell were either desperate or horny. Maybe both?

I waved at Maddie to get her attention and watched as the look of relief washed over her face

"You left me for dead." She said placing her hand on her head

"You're the one who told them we were sisters, you're used to this, I'm not."

"Yeah, yeah, what did you want to tell me?" She said grabbing my hand and taking a seat next to me

"You're dad's on a call and your car is in the parking lot so ..." I said motioning to the door

"We're not leaving yet. I have a surprise guest for you. Did you think I forgot my duties that I promised to take on?" She said sarcastically laughing

I rolled my eyes deridingly

Suddenly she pulls out her chair and drags me to the middle of the room

"They're here" she squealed

"Who's he-" I glanced up to see Ryan's latest signed band

I didn't know any of them, the only things I knew were that they were Australian, and according to Maddie "Incredibly yummy"

"Hi boys!" Maddie said to get there attention and they all spun around giving her a huge smile

"I have someone I want you to meet" she pushed me forward and I instantly felt my cheeks beginning to burn

"Hi I'm Luke" the first one said with his hand out and warm smile

He had medium length hair, the bluest eyes, and black painted nails

I shook his hand, returning the smile, "I'm Mariposa"

His smile instantly dropped and looked at me as if to say "I think I'm gonna butcher your name"

I placed my hand on his shoulder "Mary is fine" I laughed

"Oh okay" he laughed with relief

"Hi Mary, I'm Ashton" The one next to him said, reaching for a hug rather than a hand shake

I gladly took the hug from the artificial red head

"Nice to meet you, I really like your hair." I said releasing myself from his arms

"Thank you, so much." He said wiping a fake tear from his eyes and giggling after

"What up, I'm Michael" A blonde to the right of Ashton said in a VERY raspy voice

"Hello" I said with a small smile and we exchanged hand shakes

I quickly moved onto the last one but before I could Maddie quickly wrapped her arms around my shoulder turning me to him

"Mary this is Calum, Calum this is Mary" she said overly excited and she looked like her smile was going to break her jaw

"I think we can manage saying our own names" I laughed, sticking my hand out to him

He joined me for the laugh and the warmth of his hand instantly warmed my hand up

"Mary currently attends UCLA and is a nursing student. She loves going to amusement parks, to the beach, and baseball games." She sounded like I was up for auction

I begin looking at her with wide eyes, then looked at Calum, who looked very amused

"I didn't know I signed up for Tinder" i placed my face in my hands as she continued

"She loves nature and family is incredibly important to her. Also, not only is she funny but she's not even wearing makeup right now!"
She grabbed my face showing my skin off to the boys

They all kind of nodded and smiled

"Thank you so much Maddie but I don't think they're looking for dates tonight." I said squeezing her side pleading her to STOP

"Actually I think Calum is, we're currently unavailable sorry." Luke said with a smirk

Calum and I looked at each other mouthing things along the lines of "I'm so sorry" and "kill me please"

"Here's her instagram" Maddie whipped out her phone to show Calum the screen as he made a mental note of my name

He looked up and smiled at her and said "Got it" with a nod

The color on my face instantly flushed, which I didn't know I could do because I was pretty dark, and began to pull Maddie away from the group

"It was SO NICE-" I stopped to huff out the air from my lungs as I pulled Maddie away

"It was so nice meeting you boy but Maddie is feeling ill and I must take her home!" I smiled and shook my head rapidly as we headed towards the door

I didn't stop shaking my head until we got to Maddie's car

"He totally thinks you're cute!" She gushed as she started the car

"I think he's really cute, I'm not even that mad about it, thank you." I said smiling envisioning the boy I had just met in my head

I looked at my phone after it buzzed
@ CalumHood followed you

A/N: very long first chapter but I had this idea in my head for a while ((-:

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2019 ⏰

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