Day Of Deadline. Goodbye, DWMA.

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                                                                  ~Medusa's lair~

'Click, clomp, click, clomp, click, clomp' is all that was heard in that hallway, the sound was coming from Eruka Frog's boots. She was holding a case, it seemed similar to the one Stein had given Medusa when Kagemi had first started the DWMA. Eruka stopped and put the case down.

"You'll remove one of the snakes inside of me now, right?" she asked. Medusa chuckled.

"Yes. Thank you, Eruka." Medusa said. Eruka opened the case, inside of it was a large syringe and a glass cylinder containing a black liquid.

"At long last." Medusa said, "Free. How is your magic eye?" she asked.

"Perfect. I should be able to control an Independent Cube now." Free said with a smile.

"The Grand Witch is an expert in spatial magic... That Magic Eye of yours will be needed tonight." Medusa said as she sat on her Vector Tail. "Eruka and I will lend help with computation spells. We're counting on you."

"Yeah, leave it to me." Free said.

"Now then. The time has come. I've been waiting for this day!" Medusa said with a smirk.

                                                        ~Back at the DWMA~

"It's going to start without us if we don't hurry!" Maka said, her pigtails were thin and curled with pink scrunchies at the top with the rest of her hair down, she was wearing a beautiful maroon dress with a black choker.

"You're the one who took forever to get ready. Kagemi didn't even take that long." Soul said, he was in a nice black suit with a black tie and a white shirt underneath.

"Well, you can't rush beauty, Soul. And I think Maka looks beautiful." Kagemi said, her long blond hair was curled, she was wearing a long, floor length purple dress with long sleeves, with a snake necklace.

"Thank you, Kagemi." Maka said with a smile.

"Soul! I'm gonna eat a ton of food!" Black-star said, he was wearing an over-sized black suit with a loose tie, he had his unbuttoned unlike Soul. Tsubaki stood behind him wearing a beautiful sea foam green knee length dress, with a  matching necklace and shoes.

"Over here!" Patti cried standing by the door. They all walked over.

"What's with this, now? You're all dressed up!" Liz said. Liz and Patti were wearing matching red jumpsuits.

"What's wrong, Kid? You don't seem excited." Maka said. Kid was frowning.

"Oh, sorry.." Kid was wearing all white with his normal Shinigami bow tie.

"I'm starving!" Black-star said. His jacket sleeve fell down.

"W-What a slob. Anyway, everyone! Thank you for coming! Tonight, let us celebrate the DWMA's founding!" they all walked inside. Kagemi felt awful for what she was going to do.

"I'm sorry.." she whispered.

"What was that?" Maka asked.

"Oh, nothing!" Kagemi said.

"My father will be giving his greeting shortly." Kid said.

"I'm starving."Black-star almost sang.

"Yo! Hey! Hiya! How's it going? Thanks for coming!" Shinigami-sama said. Everyone clapped.

"It's Shinigami-sama!" Kagemi heard someone say.

"Wow! Shinigami-sama!" another girl said, Kagemi wanted to throw up. It's not like they didn't see him everyday, what was so special about tonight?

Mother, I Don't Think I Can Handle This. (A Soul Eater Fanfiction BEING EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now