chapter 1

17 4 0

Elizabeth POV

I'm going to miss this place I thought as I was taking one last look of the place before we left my childhood home. It's time to move on I thought start fresh at a new school, place and area with a life and friends. I turned to walk back out the door when I hear my mum yelling.

"Elizabeth hurry up we need to go Eliza is already in the car , we need to go move all our stuff and unpack , oh also you and Eliza will be starting school there on Monday." I internally groan at the thought of having to go to school, honestly the summer has gone way too fast for my liking but at least this is the last year stuck and trapped in hell , commonly known as school but after that we'll be off to college.

as I was in deep thought I didn't even notice that I was out of the house and settling in the back seat of the car, as mum reversed pulling out of the drive way and started for the highway . I got bored and scrolled through my social medias and watched some YouTube and Netflix by the time I finished we had already been driving for one and a half hour, so there were still three hours left. I decided to put my phone on charge and plug my earphones in to drown out the sound of the wheels driving against the road and the wind flying against the car and in through the window throwing my hair about. When I looked in the front I saw Eliza already passed out after having a long night hanging out with our friends and saying goodbyes before we left today, with that thought on my mind I fell into the deep dark slumber of sleep.

I was suddenly awoken by two hands shaking me awake I groggily opened my eyes to find that it was Eliza who had woken me up, i slowly get up and rub the sleep from my eyes as i look around i realize that i don't know where we are. "hey, Liz where are we?" i asked, "we are in the next town over from thornville in ravens-nest, mum stopped to get some food"answered Liz. it was like a light switched as i look out the window to see the moon out and darkness surrounding us like a blanket,as i opened my door i climbed out to stretch my legs after being confined to the small space the backseat has, i reached out for my phone on the seat and instead of being met with the small and slim smartphone i was met with air. i kept my eyes trained on the chair searching frantically for my phone that was probably blowing up with texts and missed phone calls.taking a step forward to reach further into the car she found what she was looking for turning it on i was met with the screensaver of my two best friends Chloe and Jessica. i missed them already and i don't think i can survive without them especially with being more than five hours away and if we go through something we have always had each others back, just after i checked the time the screen suddenly turned black while showing a little battery sign.after that i debated with myself and i just decided to wait in the car for mum and Liz who left for the bathroom a little while ago, shortly they both arrive with plates of food to eat during the rest of the journey to our new house, after eating i slowly found myself drifting into peaceful dark bliss.


AUTHOR NOTE-18-12-19

Thanks for reading and sorry for the short chapter I didn't want to make it too long , sorry for any mistakes and I will try to avoid boring author notes.

The book will get better and more interesting as it goes on,please comment

Love the author, MW

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