Chapter 9.2 - Inch After Inch of Time (2)

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She did not know why, but this time after he came back, Jì Chengyang was particularly busy.

He was so busy that, since that time they watched Swan Lake, it had already been more than ten days where he had not contacted her. She even began to feel a little uneasy. Had she acted too clingy with him such that he had detected something and was now trying to distance himself from her?

<>Copyright of Fanatical, hui3r[dot]wordpress[dot]com. Translated with the express permission of the author for hui3r[dot]wordpress[dot]com only.

Before her eyes right now were scenes shrouded in extravagance and extreme luxury and sensuality.

Her head bowed, she stared at her glass of cola. For four hours already, she had sat like this in this wild and complicated nightclub. Had Nuannuan not used the excuse that it was her birthday to trick her into coming here, how would it even be possible that right here, right now, she would be sitting in this place?

In front of her, there was only a messy array of drinking glasses and bottles of alcohol, all types of alcohol.

There was no one beside her. Everyone had gone onto the dance floor.

This was the first time she had ever stepped into such a place. Nuannuan's circle of friends was simply too complicated. Since entering high school and leaving that military compound, it was as if Nuannuan had suddenly stepped out from her glass room into the real world, where everything was so dazzling. She wanted to try anything that she had never experienced before. This was especially the case when it came to Xiao Jun, someone who merely needed to wave his hand and then there would be brothers surrounding him, who at a whim would beat up any student in front of any of the fuzhong [university-affiliated] or key middle and high schools in the Haidian District. She practically viewed him as Chen Haonan from the Young and Dangerous films...

<>This translation was taken from hui3r[dot]wordpress[dot]com. It would be greatly appreciated if you support it by reading it from there instead

Jǐ Yi's lips felt very uncomfortable. The discomfort was unlike when she was performing on stage, because during those times she would be focused on the performance and would naturally forget about the uncomfortable feeling that this stuff brought. The longer she sat, the more uncomfortable she felt. From her schoolbag, she pulled out some tissues and swiped at her lips.

Five in the morning.

She felt that she was so sleepy her head was already reeling somewhat.

Standing, she wanted to head over to the dance floor to find Nuannuan and tell her that they should just go. If worst came to worst, they could just head back to her dormitory and crowd onto one bed together to sleep. It would at least be better than here. But she had only just risen to her feet before she was pulled back down onto her seat again.

Fu Xiaoning, his head tilted to the side slightly, smiled as he set down several pill-like objects on the table. "Check out what these are. But you can only look. You can't eat them, my good girl, Xixi." Jǐ Yi was not interested in the least bit, but not daring to say anything, she simply picked up her cola and drank it.

Fu Xiaoning's two fingers were pinching something, which he held up in front of her eyes.

Even if Jǐ Yi did not want to look, it was impossible not to. It was a little green tablet with even some sort of animal roughly etched into it.

Looking past the tablet, she saw Fu Xiaoning's eyes. With his chin, he motioned in the direction of several people off in the distance who were clasping the railing, madly flinging their heads as they danced. "This is called Ecstasy. If you take it, you'll be like them. Remember, whenever you go out in the future to have fun, don't drink anything that anyone gives you."

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