Chapter 15.2 - The Memories are Still Awake (2)

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For the convenience of being able to take Jǐ Yi around to have fun, Jì Chengyang had reserved a hotel in Tsim Sha Tsui's Harbour City.

The next day, he wanted to take a taxi over to Ocean Park, but Jǐ Yi turned down this plan. "I want to take the MTR [Mass Transit Railway] and bus." In regard to this request from Jǐ Yi, Jì Chengyang had no real objections. Transportation was so convenient in the location where they were staying anyway that it would not be too troublesome if they really did take the MTR and bus. Every time he came here alone for work, he, too, would always, out of habit, choose the MTR as his primary mode of transportation.

"We need to go to Admiralty Station." The first thing Jǐ Yi did after she stepped into the metro car was to tilt her head up to look at the MTR system map. "And then we get out at exit B."

Old map of Hong Kong's metro system, the MTR system, from the early 2000s (). They likely would have gotten on at Tsim Sha Tsui station and then exited at Admiralty. (Note: There is now an Ocean Park Station on the South Island line that opened yearend 2016. In the early 2000s, this station did not exist, and hence the two had to transfer from metro to bus in order to get to Ocean Park.)

She had already researched the transportation routes last night.

The last time she was here, because she had not been adequately prepared, she had not arrived at Ocean Park until three, four in the afternoon. Most of her time had been spent trying to figure out the route to take, and hence she had missed the time of the dolphin performance. This time, she definitely was not going to miss it.

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With her hands holding the metal pole and her head leaning lightly against it, she conversed quietly with Jì Chengyang.

Since entering university, there was no longer the restriction of not being allowed to have long hair that hung loose, so her hair naturally had grown out a lot. At this very moment, her soft locks were splayed over her shoulders, highlighting a delicate, pretty face.

She had always been very slender, but her face had some baby fat.

This type of countenance made a person seem younger.

But it was this young and delicate face that was now matched with a rather mature, intellectual-looking dark-blue dress beneath it, and tied at the waist was a little dark-blue linen belt. When worn on Jǐ Yi, this outfit made people think of a girl who was still not truly grown up yet but had snuck one of her mother's mature-looking outfits to wear, simply for the purpose of going out on a date with the person she liked.

However, though the clothing was a little inharmonious with her age, it also gave a wonderful feeling to Jì Chengyang.

As Jì Chengyang held the grab rail with one hand and chatted with her with lowered head, he would every now and then carefully observe her movements and gestures.

He was not certain how long he would be able to stay with her this time that he was back. He even worried that on his next return, his little lady would have suddenly grown up, and he would have missed out on being with her during that wonderful period where she truly matured and developed.

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