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--A.N. here's a lovely pic of Niall for you (: ^^

The ceremony just ended and I can't keep myself from crying. The tears are not only tears of joy for finally finishing highschool, but they are also because of the memories coming back to from when I graduated middle school. I had the chance to spend four more years with the people I became so close to but I turned it down.

I'm interupted from my thoughts by one of my classmates of whom I don't remeber the name of.

"I'm going to miss you so much !", she squealed into my ear as she hugged me.

"I'll miss you too !", I lie.

"We should hang out this summer, are you going to be free?"

"I'm not sure yet, I have a lot of college planning I still have to do."

"That's okay, just text me whenever you're free !"

"I will, bye !", man is she annoying.

I'm not going to miss anyone in this room, hell I'm not going to miss anyone from this damn state. I find myself thinking about the past four years; they were horrible. I tried ignoring everyone that talked to me which was hard because I didn't want to come off as rude. I just didn't want to make any friends. Now that i think about it, (though I shouldve thought about it about five years ago), that other high school would've looked much better on college applications , assuming that I would've gotten all A's and B's.

"Too late now," my subconcious mockingly reminds me.

Why is graduating high school such a big deal anyways ? Everyone know if you want a good paying job that you won't completely hate, you have to go through a few more years of schooling.

I'm once again interupted from my thoughts by my mother.

"Did you say goodbye to everyone ?" "Yes," No I didn't, "Can we please go ?"

"Sure, let me just find your brother," she replies simply, whilst dropping the car keys into my hand.

I scurry to the car without looking back, I'm not going to miss this place.


I pull out my phone to help time pass as I'm waiting on my brother and mother.

*hey* I text my best friends.

I wait a few minutes until i get a reply from Monica, *hi* is all she manages to say.

I met Monica in third grade and we instantly became close friends and then we later met a girl called Saige in fifth grade. We did everything together (until we all went to different high schools) because we all had no siblings that we could really hang out with. Saige and I both have brothers, mine called Caspar and Saige's called Evan.

*hey whats up riley (: sorry i couldnt make it to ur grad i was soo busy /: * Saige says.

*aye its alright it was so boring anyways* I answer.

*oh that sucks*

*yea* Is all I manage to say.

I open a new conversion and being a new text, *mum im gona walk home. i need some air* I press send and open the car door to begin my walk home. I'm about half way home when I hear someone calling me from behind.

"Oh my God, is that you Riley ?!" I turn around to find my old best friend from kindergarden.

"Ronny Dawson ?"

"Yeah, oh my God I haven't seen you in years ! How've you been ?"

"Good, great actually !" I lie, "I actually just graduated."

"That explains why you're holding a cap and gown," he laughs.

"So where did you go to school ?", I ask.

"Monroe Prep, an all boys Catholic school in Jersey."

"You moved ?", a confused look clear on my face.

"Yeah, I'm visiting here cause this is where most of my family still lives."

Ronny changed a lot, not just because I haven't seen him in twelve years. He's got tattoos that go up his arms, not quite sleeves, for there are still parts of his skin left untouched from the ink. He's also got his ears and lip pierced, making him look quite intimidating.

As we walk back to my house, he tells me about his best friend, Liam, and how he was dating his sister Nicola for a year but they ended up breaking up because of the long distant relationship, for she was already in college all the way in Brighton.

Eventually, we make it to my house. "You can come in," I offer, "We're having a small grad party, I'd love if you joined !"

He nods. his head as I open the door.


The rest of the night goes by slowly and uneventfull, besides the fact that Ron was there.

"Have you thought about college yet ?", my aunt asks, trying to break the scilence between us.

"Yes actually, I really want to go to Oxford and study psychology," I proudly answer.

She doesn't seem too interested when she answers, "Sounds cool."

"Yeah," is all I answer.

Ron nudges me and I look towards him, "I have to get going, what's your number ?"

Once we exchange numbers, he gives me a quck hug and heads out the door.

-- A.N. >>>> Hiii to anyone reading this :D , I'll be posting about twice a week but I'm not entirely sure on what days. Feel free to point out any mistakes in my writing and please vote !!!

kik)) liampaynethebaker

Bye for now ... ((((:


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