chapter fifty-eight

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your p.o.v

          Some mornings, I wake up to cute text messages from Reiji or Otoya. Other mornings, I wake up to my alarm going off or Haruka and Tomo-chan trying to quietly whisper to one another while they let me sleep for another five more minutes before we all actually have to start getting ready for class. And then there are mornings like this where I get rudely woken up by a small black fur-ball landing onto my stomach like a cannonball falling from the ceiling.

          "Okay, that was uncalled for." I groaned as Kuppuru meowed, making himself comfortable while he sits on my stomach and paws at the blanket. "Are you trying to kill me?"

          Once again, the black feline meowed before licking at the back of his paw.

          Sighing, I reached over to my nightstand and grabbed my phone. It's only six in the morning and my alarms don't start going off for another hour. Evil cat waking me up earlier than needed...

          Gently nudging Kuppuru off my stomach and pushing the blanket away, I reluctantly sat up and stretched a little. Tomo and Haruka are still sleeping while I shoot the black cat a playful glare. "What do you want?" I whispered. "Are you trying to tell me something?"

          Shaking his head 'no', I just stared at the cat for a moment before falling back to lying down on my bed's mattress. Oh my gosh- Kuppuru just responded like an actual human. I'm losing my mind. There's no way this black cat is actually Cecil...

          Taking one final clawless swipe at my leg, Kuppuru hopped off the bed and stretched a bit himself. I sat back up and looked to the black cat. Emerald green eyes stared right back for a moment before the small feline sauntered on over to my wardrobe and pawed at the wooden doors before glancing back to me.

          "No, I am not going outside." I responded with a deadpan expression, being sure to keep my voice low. "It's cold and I have class in like two hours and I'm still searching for Reiji's first jacket that you stole forever ago."

          Kuppuru meowed softly and then promptly plopped down onto his stomach just in front of my wardrobe. I sparred the cat a fleeting glance before finally getting up and heading over to the bathroom to start my morning routine. He woke me up this early so I might as well see if I can finish revising my friend's debut song before class starts.

          Running about and grabbing this and that, it didn't take me long at all to change into my school uniform and finish making myself look presentable. Kuppuru had passed out about halfway through me getting ready and I made sure to not wake him or my roommates up as I grabbed my sticker-covered laptop from off my desk and then quietly slipped out of our dorm room.

          The halls were mostly empty considering most sane students are only just now getting up, though a couple of the early birds offered me smiles and small whispers of "good morning" as we passed by one another. A big difference from how my mornings used to go when school had first started.

          All of the harsh whispers, the rumors, the insults, and the jealous glares whenever Ren happened to fling an arm over my shoulders and walk with me through the halls. I had eyes staring me down from every which way no matter where I went within this school. It's so different now when compared to then.

          No whispers, no harsh glares, no insults, nothing. Then again, most of the pompous idiots who were full of themselves and tried to pick fights with me when we first came here have long since dropped out. There's probably about half of all of the students left and there's no telling how many will actually manage to graduate after these last few projects are over and done with.

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