chapter thirty-nine

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the second
composers' date

your p.o.v

Three days after we returned from Okinawa, I found myself sitting with Haruka off in the secluded practice room Masato and I often use for when he decides to give me an impromptu piano lesson. For as often as that blue haired boy and I spend up here hauled off in this room, I can confidently say that I'm not getting any better at playing the piano. I guess some things in this world are just never meant to be- one of which clearly being me and playing a musical instrument.

"How do you think the recording sessions are going?" Haruka asked, glancing over her shoulder towards me from where she sits on the piano bench, pencil unmoving in her hand as she rests her wrist against the half-blank music sheet set up on the little piano's music stand. "They've been gone for a while..."

Flicking my attention up from my laptop as I sit on the couch behind the piano, I shrug. "Each one of our little units has three songs in total they have to record so it's going to take some time before everyone finishes up." I murmured in response as I returned to rearranging some notes on Quartet Night's debut track once again. "I'll be surprised if all of the idols that signed up today to record even finish. Something tells me what with everyone singing so much and all having varying levels of actually completed songs, Ryuuya and Ringo are inevitably going to start running behind schedule."

Haruka sighed. "I hope Tomo's recording goes smoothly. She worked so hard on the duet and her solo song..." The pink haired girl murmured as she turned back to her sheet music. "We're not even allowed to head down there and watch..."

"We'll get to hear the finished product soon enough so don't worry, I'm sure Tomo-chan's songs will go and sound great!" I reassured.

"I just wish we were allowed to watch the recording process like we've done for the last two song projects. What's so special about this one?"

"The faculty probably just want to keep the number of unneeded people in the recording rooms down to a minimum since they're already going to be crowded down there."

I visibly saw my fellow composer's shoulders fall just a little more, disappointment evident through her body language alone. "Tomo said she sings better when I'm there for her." Haruka said at nothing above a whisper, I barely heard her even with having taken off my headphones as to give her my undivided attention now. "I don't want her to get nervous or anything because I'm not there."

"You know Tomo-chan, she's fearless." I scoffed. "If anyone could pull this off without a single problem, it would be her for sure so stop worrying so much Haruka and believe in your girlfriend!"

"W-We're not dating." The pink haired girl stuttered out.

Laughing, I waved her off. "Don't worry, I think you two are adorable so I don't mind even if my two best friend roommates are making me the third wheel. Anyways, how do you feel about the new assignment we were given earlier?"

At this, Haruka fully turned around on the piano bench to look to me with a slight pout. "It isn't fair! Why is it only us two who got this assignment?"

I couldn't help but laugh at how cute she can be sometimes. "Haruka, we're the top composers in this school so it's only natural Ringo and Ryuuya would give us a project like this."

"Okay, but do we really have to compose another song with the only guideline being that it has to be something dark?"

"Hey, just compose something and don't question what our teachers are thinking."

the idols race for love, are you ready? | book one | utapriWhere stories live. Discover now